Marxism-Thaxis] Van Heijenoort's critique of Engels
Hans G. Ehrbar ehrbar at 
Thu Mar 3 12:21:52 MST 2005 

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Abraham Robinson's nonstandard analysis adds more numbers,
infinite numbers and infinitesimal numbers, to the numbers
line.  Just as Margaret Thatcher says that society does not
exist, modern mainstream mathematics is based on the dogma
that infinitesimals do not exist.  Robinson showed, by
contrast, that one can use infinitesimals without getting
into mathematical contradictions.  He demonstrated that
mathematics becomes much more intuitive this way, not only
its elementary proofs, but especially the deeper results.  I
understand that the so-called "renormalization problem" in
physics, according to which certain physically relevant
integrals become infinite and somehow have to be made finite
again, has a much more satisfactory solution in nonstandard
analysis than in standard analysis.

The well-know logician Kurt Goedel said about Robinson's
work: ``I think, in coming years it will be considered a
great oddity in the history of mathematics that the first
exact theory of infinitesimals was developed 300 years after
the invention of the differential calculus.''

When I looked at Robinson I had the impression that he
shares the following error with the ``standard''
mathematicians whom he criticizes: they consider numbers
only in a static way, without allowing them to move.  It
would be beneficial to expand on the intuition of the
inventors of differential calculus, who talked about
``fluxions,'' i.e., quantities in flux, in motion.  Modern
mathematicians even use arrows in their symbol for limits,
but they are not calculating with moving quantities, only
with static quantities.  Robinson does not explicitly use
moving quantities, he uses more static quantities, and many
mathematicians criticize nonstandard mathematics because it
simply has too many numbers.

The Chinese manuscript you just sent to the list seems to
have a much more dialectical view of nonstandard analysis
than Robinson himself, and in addition it makes a bridge
between Marx's Mathematical Manuscripts and nonstandard
Analysis.  This is very exciting News to me.  Can we find
out more about this?


Hans G. Ehrbar   ehrbar at
Economics Department, University of Utah     (801) 581 7797 (my office)
1645 Campus Center Dr., Rm 308               (801) 581 7481 (econ office)
Salt Lake City    UT 84112-9300              (801) 585 5649 (FAX)

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