[Marxism-Thaxis] Van Heijenoort's critique of Engels
Jim Farmelant farmelantj at juno.com 
Thu Mar 3 11:52:44 MST 2005 

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Below is an interesting abstract I found concerning the
reactions of Chinese mathematicians, during the
period of the Cultural Revolution, to publication of
Marx's mathematical manuscripts.


DOCUMENTA MATHEMATICA, Extra Volume ICM III (1998), 799-809
Joseph W. Dauben 
Title: Marx, Mao and Mathematics: The Politics of Infinitesimals 

The ``Mathematical Manuscripts'' of Karl Marx were first published (in
part) in Russian in 1933, along with an analysis by S.~A. Yanovskaya.
Friedrich Engels was the first to call attention to the existence of
these manuscripts in the preface to his Anti-D\"uhring [1885]. A more
definitive edition of the ``Manuscripts'' was eventually published, under
the direction of Yanovskaya, in 1968, and subsequently numerous
translations have also appeared. Marx was interested in mathematics
primarily because of its relation to his ideas on political economy, but
he also saw the idea of variable magnitude as directly related to
dialectical processes in nature. He regarded questions about the
foundations of the differential calculus as a ``touchstone of the
application of the method of materialist dialectics to mathematics.''
Nearly a century later, Chinese mathematicians explicitly linked Marxist
ideology and the foundations of mathematics through a new program
interpreting calculus in terms of nonstandard analysis. During the
Cultural Revolution (1966--1976), mathematics was suspect for being too
abstract, aloof from the concerns of the common man and the struggle to
meet the basic needs of daily life in a still largely agrarian society.
But during the Cultural Revolution, when Chinese mathematicians
discovered the mathematical manuscripts of Karl Marx, these seemed to
offer fresh grounds for justifying abstract mathematics, especially
concern for foundations and critical evaluation of the calculus. At least
one study group in the Department of Mathematics at Chekiang Teachers
College issued its own account of ``The Brilliant Victory of Dialectics -
Notes on Studying Marx's `Mathematical Manuscripts'.'' Inspired by
nonstandard analysis, introduced by Abraham Robinson only a few years
previously, some Chinese mathematicians adapted the model Marx had laid
down a century earlier in analyzing the calculus, and especially the
nature of infinitesimals in mathematics, from a Marxist perspective. But
they did so with new technical tools available thanks to Robinson but
unknown to Marx when he began to study the calculus in the 1860s. As a
result, considerable interest in nonstandard analysis has developed
subsequently in China, and almost immediately after the Cultural
Revolution was officially over in 1976, the first all-China conference on
nonstandard analysis was held in Xinxiang, Henan Province, in 1978

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