CB: Why use the term "bourgeois" if it wasn't 
form of capitalism  ?

It ceased to be a degenerated workers state when the
possibility of  a democratic opposition to Stalin within the CPSU based  on
Trotskyists/Bukharinists expired (1930).

Sometime around 1976, I purchased my first Collected  Works of Lenin, all 45 
volumes. I gave several Collected Works away to comrades  with low wages. At 
any rate this afforded me to read Lenin as a totality and  after a few years 
the history of the Russian - Soviet, Revolution played in my  mind like a major 
motion picture. 

The point is that Lenin wrote  voluminously on why one should not confuse 
a). the form of democracy and 
b). the existence of opposition groups in 
c). the party system  . . . existing vertically and horizontally  within the 
d). framework of the dictatorship of the proletariat . . . as systematic  
function and essence of 
e). the state. 

I never fear looking at reality for what it is  and most certainly not Soviet 
History and the role of Stalin the individual and  then the Stalin Regime. 
Comrade allow themselves to be guided by ideology and  their most private 
individualized conception of democracy and refuse confronting  things as simple 
the difference between government and the state. The Stalin  era evokes animal 
passions in some comrades, who if asked what is bureaucracy  become confused 
and abandon Marxism all together, by first jettisoning the  materialist 
conception of history. 

The above means "democratic  opposition . . .(as) possibility (transform) 
workers state." 

That  is to say one can effect a qualitative change in the class essence of 
the state  by changing its form of Constitutional rights. What this in reality 
means is  that the property relations of a society can be changed by changing 
the form of  Constitutional Rights but this explanation is far to generous, 
because the above  does not ascend to the level of Constitutional regimes. 

Rather the  above says that changing the rules governing the essence of 
opposition group  WITHIN THE PARTY  . . . . NOT THE STATE, changes the property 
relations,  the law of value and the planning mechanism that blocks the law of 
anarchy of  production: the hallmark of private capital.  The Soviet state 
stopped  being a worker state with bureaucratic distortion = degenerate, 
party  rules were changed. 

I do not mean to ever talk down to anyone and  have struggled over the years 
to evolve a flat writing style that compresses  complex concepts. What I am 
saying is that it is impossible to effect a  qualitative change in any process 
without altering - injecting quantitatively, a  NEW qualitative ingredient into 
that which is fundamental to the entire process.  Then . . .  then! 
everything dependent as interactivity, on that which is  fundamental to the 
must in turn change. Not all at one time, but  incrementally and change it 

Because democracy is not a  defining trait of class essence IT IS NOT 
POSSIBLE to change democracy and  change the state qualitatively with "the 
qualitative" being defined as the  fundamentality being property form and its 
meaning in 
the daily life of  everyone. 

Stated another way, the POLITICAL FORM of democracy . .  .;-)  defines the 
Constitutional regime. Even this is not saying enough  because England and the 
US are both bourgeois democratic regimes with huge  differences, that in the 
last instance boil down to the role of "common law" in  England and its absence 
in America. This is due to the absence of feudal  relations. That is no 
concept of "noble obligation" which was legalized as  mediator of social 
between ruled and rulers.

CB, you a  damn lawyer, why do I have to write this and continuously explain 
the most  elementary understanding of the Marxist approach to the state!!!  

(QUESTION:  Is the US Constitution, as the law of the land, +  the Senate and 
the House of Representative the government? No! It is the  constitutional 

The party is not the meaning of the  Constitutional regime. The Supreme 
Soviet . . . what's the use.  

Why not read what Lenin says in addition to Trotsky?  

Straight off the block I can recall several articles where Lenin  deal with 
this exact issue exhaustingly. Lenin and Rosa Luxemburg diverged on  the exact 
same question a decade before the October Revolution. There is of  course a 
reason why Lenin won and his name is attached to a highly evolved  political 

I thought we would at least get a chance to  describe the formation of the 
gulag; the extra legal terrorists organization of  the DOP; the role of Beria . 
. ..



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