In respect to AIG, I have not done the investigation into the rates charged 
 to Detroit to determine if insurance of Detroit bonds required a higher 
premium  rate. 
Did the failure of AIG have a racist impact on the city of Detroit? 
Without question Detroit's working class faces higher general insurance  
rates on their personal property, than Black workers in comparable economic 
and  social circumstances outside Detroit. Say in the city of Southfield. 
Housing and vehicle insurance is outrageously high and this "extra-charge"  
- called redlining, is the structural and material relations of white  
supremacy/chauvinism - in respects to blacks, or as it is called by the 
 of biological race, racism. All the workers in Detroit - black, brown, 
"Arabic"  and white, who are able to use another resident address for 
insurance, do so in  order to receive a reduced rate of insurance. 
Detroit is redlined. A red mark is drawn on the map and everyone within the 
 red zone is charged extra for being in the zone. Redlining. 
Highland Park is worse with it being virtually impossible to get reasonable 
 insurance against fire. Pontiac is a basket case, with Grand Rapids and 
Battle  Creek being most distasteful for the working poor and teetering on the 
verge of  open fascism for blacks and the whites in the neighborhoods 
adjacent to the  blacks. Benton Harbor has been the seen of a particularly 
fight over  voting rights. Northern Michigan and the farming areas of the 
state are  devastated, with huge sections of our blue eyed brothers and 
sisters living  below standards acceptable in Detroit. 
Detroit has muscle and proletarian fiber. The city's proletariat has to  
lean how to make its point understood. What needs to be understood is the 
class  relationships and the role of the color factor in American history. 
Amongst the blacks the most destitute sector of the proletariat and the  
middle class is caught in the turning gears of capital, with the former being  
herded into the concentration camps called prisons. This happens to be the 
case  throughout the state of Michigan, without regard to the color of ones 
eyes. This  is more so true with the blacks because we were slaves and 
trapped on the bottom  of the economic and social ladder. 
One might need to get out more often and visit areas beyond the city. 
"Ain't I blue ain't I blue. Ain't these tears in my eyes, telling you." 
Rather than eye color it is the dark clouds in the proletariat's eyes that  
cannot be ignored. 
Inkster is hit but so it Adrian and Allen Park. Canton, Centerline and  
Clearwater are facing murky waters. Eastpointe is "holding on" but my other  
brother by a different mother paid $105, 000 for his home in 1999, only to see 
 the house next door sell for $45, 000 two months ago. Class politics means 
 understanding intersection and economic logic and the spontaneous movement 
of  those workers who are a tad bit to economically secure to be the lowest 
sector  of the proletariat, but to economically weak to escape the cycle of 
capital  destruction. My brother in Eastpointe is black. 65% of his 
neighbors are white.  The proletariat as proletariat is hit hard. 
Everyone lost money and value. The problem is the promise capital made  pro
mising economic stability if we worked for them 30 - 40 years. The social  
contract has been ripped to pieces. Ripping the social contract apart might 
have  racists implications but it is a class act. Everything that happens to 
me -  the good, the bad and the ugly, has racist implications because I am a 
 Black man in America. Easy answers are boring and make me none the 
smarter. Some  of this shit - if not all of it, is capitalism. 
I was just up in Flint, Michigan. 
Detroit is a paradise compared to Flint. Actually, Detroit is still very  
beautiful. Blight and poverty is in neighborhoods zones. These zones are  
economic categories. The autowokers with 15 years seniority and up live in  
different zones than the workers making 50% less. 
In fact, as this horrible crisis of capital unfolds, Detroit is still  
economically robust. 
The "Hip Hop" Mayor was not all bad by any means. The "old Mayor" was  
stupid and arrogant. Us old heads call young men like this "young, dumb and 
 of come." Our young Mayor was driven by testosterone and bourgeois 
politics and  lacked a vision based on the fact of Detroit's history. Detroit 
the  industrial proletariat, past, present and future. 
Then again, K. Kilpatrick was part of the political establishment and  
beholden to McNamara. This was good and bad. Housing development in Detroit has 
been remarkable. Remarkable becomes outstanding under politicians on the 
side of  the proletariat. 
Communist know a little "something something" about money, wages, bonds and 
 economic interest of various economic strata in the city. Since some of us 
know  how to negotiate without being overwhelmed from being invited to 
dinner and  having the bill paid by a fucking representation of capital, we 
to judge, .  . . maybe,  to harshly. 
Dude  . . . . eat before negotiations or shopping because if you don't  you 
are going to buy something you go not want. Rather than looking at you  
opponent as white, think "Hey this mutherfucker is capital." 
If you do this and have eaten before negotiations you will not be driven by 
 an impulse to be personally greedy, unless you are personally greedy and 
have  nothing for the proletarian masses anyway. 
I would do better negotiating with a bunch of the dope boyz in toll who  
understand money and refuse to be taken on a "date" by capitalists, expecting  
you to eat from the steak side of the menu and then get fucked. The dope 
boyz  never scream racism when things do not go their way. Sure . . . everyone 
talks  about white peoples but no one talks about them as serious as white 
people, who  already understand they will never attain the status of white 
These dough boyz "cats" (dudes) are serious and deal with market shares. I  
love this. Our market is the proletariat and what I have to offer is 
communism.  Flat out. That is the product. 
The right product at the right time is magic. 
Then there is Flint. 
Does not Flint produce a spark when struck and steel when worked up the  
right way? What an appropriate name for a city that gave us the historic  
sit-down strike and "struck up" bourgeois production in the form of the auto. A 
nigga be blessed to have circumstances that allow one to be spontaneously  
proletariat to the core. Show me your pay stub and an economic program 
spring  from the numbers. 
We talking about class and the role of the proletariat in its dimensions as 
 black, or historically and structurally Negro. 
One look at that pay stub and its like, "nigga, you need a union, a better  
clergy man, political representatives on the side of the proletariat or a 
good  loan shark and number man."  My niggas have all kinds of eye colorings. 
 What one must look at is not the color of eyes but that fucked up smirk on 
a  person's face and the body language of proletarian pride, defeats and  
insurgency. . 
Flint has been on the ropes for a long time, going back to the movie that  
got Michael Moore on the map as movie producer. Moore's "Roger and Me" 
Roger & Me is a 1989 American documentary film illustrating the  negative 
economic impact of the late General Motors CEO Roger Smith's summary  action 
of closing several auto plants in Flint, Michigan, costing 30,000 people  
their jobs and economically devastating the city. Flint is majority black. Was 
 Roger Smith's closing of the plants in Flint a racist act? Much of this  
production was not shifted elsewhere. The loss was absolute. 
I have a serious need to further understand the intricate and delicate  
operation of racism and how AIG actions had a racist impact. I am not about  
losing money, prestige or political clout because my eyes are brown. 

In a message dated 8/10/2009 1:53:58 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
_cb31...@gmail.com_ (  writes: 
AIG insuring of Detroit city bonds was not motivated by race hate or racism 
 but profit motive. The first question is "why did the leaders of Detroit 
go  to  AIG in the first place?" I am not aware of any evidence that Detroit  
seeking  insurance from AIG was racially motivated. AIG’s pricing of  
insurance or  financial products was the motivation for Detroit entering  this 
market  relation. 
^^^^^ CB:  On this  issue, racism should be analyzed  _structurally_, not 
in terms of individual motivation. 

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