
In respect to AIG, I have not done the investigation into the rates charged
 to Detroit to determine if insurance of Detroit bonds required a higher
premium  rate.

CB: This switcheru was voted on in a public session, so, I'm sure of
what I'm saying.

AIG was insuring some of Detroit's bonds. When AIG went bankrupt, the
bond agency lowered Detroit's bond rating , because its insurance was
no good. Detroit had to enter into a draconian revision ( higher
priority for the Wall Street bhe ond company to a casino revenue
stream to the City) against its interests of its contract with the
Wall Street bond company/parisite in order to avoid
bankruptcy/receivership/in Michigan: Emergency Financial Manager. The
Emergency Financial Manager  acts as a financial dictator in cutting
City jobs and stealing tax money for Wall Street.

Wall Street Dictators

by John Henry

If one looks at the big picture, the City of Detroit is being set up
by the powers-that-be, including the news media, for the same
treatment as the school  system - a financial dictatorship, with Wall
Street and its agents ripping off the City workers and
People of Detroit.

Mayor Bing is demanding that the City workers take a 10% paycut over
two years. The City unions are picketing today and may strike.

A big part in this set-up is the years long project of portraying the
elected officials of the City,Mayor and City Council, as so bad that
the masses will accept a non-elected financial dictator to "clean up
the mess" of these oh so foolish people elected by the citizenry.
Whatever, faults they have, they are no worse than the dozens of white
men who exclusively ran Detroit City government for so many decades.
It is no coincidence that once the City Council became majority Black
and women the forces that shape public opinion turned them into a
bunch of fools in the minds of so many suckers and naive ones among

Detroit financial problems are not due to City officials' bad decisions,
but the disinvestment  from and failures of corporate America in
Detroit, and the related long term depopulation begun 60 years ago. The last
thing the City needs is "CEO thinking" in leadership. CEO thinking has
bankrupted all Wall Street, GM, Chrysler ! No exaggeration.

At any rate, the effect of  brainwashing so many citizens ignorant of
Detroit's history and current events.  has brought just such a
CEO-style Mayor , who has all the appearances of someone who will
facilitate handing the City over to a financial dictator, or emergency
financial manager as over the DPS.

Critically related to this looming financial rightwing coup, within
the last several months,  Wall Street bond holders tightened the noose
through a swithcheroo perpetrated by Wall Street giant AIG's failure
lowering Detroit's bond rating , triggering and threatening an
emergency financial manager, i.e. financial dictator event. In the end
Detroit was forced to let a Wallstreet firm get its teeth deeper
into a City juggler vein/revenue stream from a casino. Then AIG was
bailed out and Detroit was not by the federal government.

Rushing Detroit to bankruptcy is very much about enriching Wall
Street, the nation wide financial sector of America,  at the expense
of City workers and the People of Detroit. The financial dictator
selected will be an agent of that finance capitalist class.

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