I have just stated that human cognition begins with the ability to
perceive entities directly through our senses, mostly by touch and

CB: This is wrong. _Human_ cognitiion begins with language and
communication with other humans, not with perceiving through the
senses, except perceiving the language and activities of other humans
through the senses.


 However, to quote Rand “All the arts are conceptual in essence, all
are products of, and addressed to, the conceptual level of man’s

 This is a fundamental point because we have here Rand’s repudiation
of all forms of abstract paintings. Abstract painting and sculpture do
not attempt to deal with the viewer above the level of the senses,
i.e., the animal level.

CB: This is an interesting point. I hadn't thought of this in this way
before, being a "doodle" artist myself, drawing lots of abstract
pictures for 35 years. Interestingly, though, what happens is that,
people "see" "concrete" "things" in the abstract drawings, so humans
automatically give meaning to the abstract drawings, as with a sort of
Rohrschach test.  And ironically, given this is a
libertarian-individualist critique, this creates something of an
individual and unique meaning for each observer. Also, it senuous,
naturally, to appeal to the animal level of humans' senses. So, people
derive natural pleasure from abstract art, as well as imputing their
own meaning.

In her essay Art & Cognition, Rand states:  Whereas the essence of art
is integration,  “the keynote and goal of modern art is nothing less
than the disintegration of man’s conceptual faculty”. She goes on to
say  “To reduce man’s consciousness to the level of senses, with no
capacity to integrate them is the intention behind the reducing of
painting to smears and of sculpture to slabs.”  Abstract art,
therefore, is a war against reason.

CB: No, it tends to draw out each individual's own reason, which is
originally derived _socially_, but takes its own, unique
"fingerprints" of reason for each individual.  Ironically, the
libertarians, reputed champions of individualism, miss this highly
individualistic dimension of abstract art. Abstract art can "draw out"
(pun intended) what is on each indivdual's mind. The observer makes
her own percepts out of the drawing, based on her unique conceptual

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