January 11, 2010
Race Riots Grip Italian Town, and Mafia Is Suspected


ROME — More than a thousand African workers were put aboard buses and
trains in the southern Italian region of Calabria over the weekend and
shipped out to immigrant detention centers, following some of the
country’s worst riots in years.

The clashes began Thursday night in Rosarno, a working-class city amid
citrus groves in Calabria, the toe of Italy’s boot, after a legal
immigrant from Togo was lightly wounded in a pellet-gun attack in a
nearby city. It is not clear who pulled the trigger — the authorities
said they were investigating whether organized crime had provoked the
riots — but the consequences were severe.

Blaming racism for the attack, dozens of immigrants burned cars and
smashed shop windows in Rosarno in two days of riots, throwing rocks
at local residents and fighting with the police. More than 50
immigrants and police officers were wounded, none seriously, and 10
immigrants and locals were arrested before the authorities began
sending the immigrants to detention centers elsewhere in southern
Italy on Saturday.

The images emerging from Calabria over the weekend — of torched cars
and angry African immigrants hurling rocks — were the most vivid
example of the growing racial tensions in Italy, which have been
exacerbated by an economic crisis whose depth has only recently been
acknowledged in the national dialogue. Both the official and
underground economies increasingly rely on immigrants, while Italy
remains torn between acceptance and xenophobia.

The riots also shone a bright light on a side of the country rarely
seen in tourist itineraries. On Sunday, the authorities began
bulldozing the makeshift encampments outside Rosarno where hundreds of
immigrants live in what human rights groups describe as subhuman
conditions. They are often paid less than $30 a day picking fruit, a
job that many Italians see as beneath them. Organized crime syndicates
are known to have a strong grip on every level of the Calabrian

“This event pulled the lid off something that we who work in the
sector know well but no one talks about: That many Italian economic
realities are based on the exploitation of low-cost foreign labor,
living in subhuman conditions, without human rights,” said Flavio Di
Giacomo, the spokesman for the International Organization for
Migration in Italy.

The workers live in “semi-slavery,” added Mr. Di Giacomo, who said,
“It’s shameful that this is happening in the heart of Italy.”

Pope Benedict XVI veered from his prepared remarks in his Angelus
message on Sunday to denounce the violence in Calabria. “An immigrant
is a human being, different in origin, culture and tradition, but he
is a person to respect, with rights and duties,” the pope said. He
also criticized the “exploitation” of immigrants.

It was not entirely clear if all the immigrants left willingly for the
detention centers, or if some were forced to leave. In a
reconstruction of the days of violence, the police said they were
protecting the immigrants against would-be assailants, at least one of
whom brandished a pistol.

Some immigrants told the Italian news media that Calabrians had shot
at them and beaten them with sticks in the riots, and a front-page
editorial in La Repubblica on Sunday compared the situation to Ku Klux
Klan violence in the United States in the 1960s. But other news
reports said that many immigrants had fled their encampments in haste
before the police began clearing them with bulldozers.

Not all immigrants appear to have left the city, but those who are in
the immigration centers with regular residence permits, or who had
requested political asylum, are free to go, the interior minister,
Roberto Maroni, said Sunday in a television interview. The others, he
said, will be identified and deported.

The riots in Rosarno were a rare instance in which an entire city was
engulfed by immigrant violence. In September 2008, Italy sent 400
members of the National Guard to Castelvolturno, outside Naples, after
violent protests broke out over the shooting deaths of six African
immigrants in clashes with the Camorra, the Neapolitan Mafia. Last
February, immigrants set fire to the detention center on the island of
Lampedusa, where many had been held awaiting deportation.

There are 4 million legal immigrants in Italy, out of a population of
60 million, and even more illegal immigrants. And while many Italians
rely on them to work in their businesses and take care of their young
children or elderly parents, many Italians see the new arrivals as a

In television interviews, some Rosarno residents said they had lived
peacefully alongside the immigrants and tried to give them work and
food. But others were more hostile. “We’ve put up with them for 20
years,” one man shouted in a television interview on Sky TG24.

In recent years, the center-right government of Prime Minister Silvio
Berlusconi has issued strong anti-immigrant statements. Mr.
Berlusconi, who is recovering after being struck in the face with a
statuette of the Milan cathedral by a mentally unstable man last
month, has not commented on the riots.

But in his interview on Sunday, the interior minister, Mr. Maroni,
called the situation in Rosarno “the fruit of the wrong kind of
tolerance.” The day before, he had been quoted as saying the riots
were the fruit of “too much tolerance.”

A member of the powerful Northern League Party, known for its
anti-immigrant language, Mr. Maroni also defended a proposal
introduced by his party last week to cap the number of immigrant
students in public school classes at 30 percent. “Sometimes they speak
different languages, and there’s no common balance in the classroom,”
Mr. Maroni said.

Human rights groups say that many African immigrants come to Italy
with what appear to be legal offers of work in the agricultural sector
in the south, often by paying middlemen more than $10,000 for the
opportunity. When they arrive, the rights groups say, the immigrants
often find that the agricultural outfits refuse to honor their end of
the bargain, instead compelling the migrants to work under the table
at wages far below the legal minimum wage. Often, the outfits that
hire them have links to organized crime.

Mr. Maroni has said in the past that the ’Ndrangheta, or Calabrian
Mafia, is the most powerful organized crime group in Italy because its
members are bound by strong blood ties, making it difficult to
cultivate informants. Last week, two bombs were found at the main
courthouse in Reggio Calabria, in what was widely seen as a message by
the ’Ndrangheta to prosecutors trying to dismantle clans.

Mr. Maroni also said that the notion that the ’Ndrangheta had provoked
the riots was “one possible hypothesis” that the authorities were

In an interview in La Repubblica on Saturday, Roberto Saviano, the
author of the bestseller “Gomorrah,” about organized crime near
Naples, called the immigrants in Rosarno courageous. “Immigrants are
always braver than we are against the clans,” Mr. Saviano said.

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