Recent attacks in Europe expose racist underbelly

by: W. T. Whitney Jr.
January 12 2010

Resurgent racism manifested by death threats and violence cropped up
last month in Italy and Hungary. Their occurrence follows the pattern
of recurrent racist persecution against a backdrop of societies in
economic turmoil. As in the past, Roma people and Jews are victims.
Irregular migrants from Africa, desperate for work and income,
recently have joined the mix of those targeted.

The "Battle of Rosarno," for example, gained worldwide media attention
last week. That city of 15,000, located in the Calabria region of
southern Italy, is surrounded by large Mafia controlled plantations
producing oranges, tangerines, and other fruits and vegetables.
Profits depend upon precariously situated, submissive workers from
Africa, most of them survivors of small boat crossings of the
Mediterranean.  Hundreds of African men, women, and children living in
Rosarno slept at night in two abandoned factories, without heat,
decent food, or adequate clothing. Earning $25 - $35 a day for up to
18 hours of work, they came from Togo, Ghana, Sudan, Mauritania,
Congo, and Senegal.

Trouble came to a head on Jan. 7. Using sticks, shotguns, and air
guns, local residents attacked, wounding 67 people, including 19
police, over three days. Buses carrying 350 African workers and family
members to temporary refuge in neighboring Crotona had initially to
pass between lines of jeering, cheering Rosarno residents. Over 100
workers devised their own escape. As the situation cooled down,
landowners were recruiting Bulgarian and Ukrainian replacement
workers. The humanitarian aid group, Doctors Without Borders, was
forced to abandon Rosarno.

"The common sport of young people in Rosarno is hunting blacks,"
author Marco Rovelli reported earlier. School buses carrying migrant
children have been assaulted regularly, usually at strategic places
like crossroads. Reporter Gian Antonio Stella wrote, "The situation
has degraded in Italy. Every day a black person is beaten up."

Interior Minister Roberto Maroni of the right wing (some say racist)
Northern League, attributed troubles in Rosarno "like in other places"
to "toleration of clandestine immigration that has fed criminality and
generated situations of frank degradation".  By week's end,
anti-racist groups were demonstrating outside his Ministry in Rome.

Hungary also was newsworthy as a locus of hate. Vilmos Hanti, who is
Jewish, directs the Hungarian Anti-fascist Alliance for Democracy
(MEASZ). On Dec. 23, the 65th anniversary of the assassination of
resistance hero Endre Bajcsy-Zsinlinszky, Hanti likened fascist
behavior then to activities of present-day Hungarian right wing
groups. In response, web site Internet postings showed up threatening
him with death, one with the accusation "Jewish traitor to the

In a telephone interview with the French Humanité newspaper, Hanti
draw parallels between abuse he received and "racist assassinations
against Gypsies." A spokesperson for the Conservative Party (Fidesz)
highlighted provocative behavior of victims as partially responsible
for their fate. In a telephone interview with the French Humanité
newspaper, Hanti draw parallels between abuse he received and "racist
assassinations against Gypsies."

Hate groups were outlawed under Hungarian socialism. That and economic
protection they enjoyed then provided a far from perfect shield
against persecution. Last year MEASZ and Vilmos Hanti organized a
demonstration in Budapest against the nationalist Jobbik party and its
paramilitary affiliate, the Hungarian Guard. Jobbik has three
representatives in the European Parliament. For months, Hanti has
taken a leadership role in trying to build opposition aimed at heading
off far right victories in parliamentary voting this spring.

Not all news on European racism was bad. Prejudice, discrimination,
and denial of civil rights against the Roma people, known as Gypsies,
have flourished since the Diet of Augsburg in 1500. A tiny opening was
apparent, however, in a decision last month of the European Tribunal
of Human Rights affecting marriages carried out under Roma auspices. A
Roma woman denied legal civil union in Spain gained recognition of her
marriage and inheritance rights applied retroactively as a surviving

In addition, the lower House of the Spanish Congress is considering a
resolution, introduced last month, which would apologize for "all the
situations of maltreatment, discrimination, and vulnerability" that
Roma people have suffered historically in Spain. The second European
Summit on "Inclusion of the Gypsy People" takes place in Cordoba in

Presently, extreme right wing organizations are continuing with plots
and attacks against Roma people, reports Diego Ortega. Impunity is
notorious, especially in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Italy, Kosovo,
and Hungary, where eight Roma people were killed during 2009. Many
Roma people fled Kosovo recently because of torture and
"disappearances."  The rightist Czech Nationalist Party has called for
Roma people being returned to India. Forced sterilization of Gypsies
women has long been documented throughout Eastern Europe.

Photo: From a French demonstration in 2008 for equality and against
racism, anti-immigrant discrimination. / CC BY 2.0

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