Poll Shouts The Message Massachusetts Voters Were

By Isaiah J. Poole
Campaign for America"s Future
January 20, 2010


The numbers in the Research 2000 exit poll released
Wednesday by MoveOn.org and Democracy for America speak
for themselves: The Massachusetts election was not a
call to go back to conservatism. It was, as Robert
Borosage on our site said earlier today and as such
commentators as Katrina vanden Heuvel are saying, a
call for Democrats to be bolder, more audacious and
unapologetic in pursuing the populist reforms the
public thought it was going to get after the 2008

The poll focused on Massachusetts residents who voted
for President Obama in 2008 but who either voted for
Senate republican candidate Scott Brown or did not vote
at all. These responses from Brown voters should stand

     Generally speaking do you think Barack Obama and
     Democrats in Washington, DC are delivering enough
     on the change Obama promised to bring to America
     during the campaign?

     Yes 31% No 57% Not sure 12%

     Do you think Democrats in Washington, D.C. are
     fighting hard enough to challenge the Republican
     policies of the Bush years, aren't fighting hard
     enough to change those policies, or are fighting
     about right?

     Not Enough 37% About Right 21% Too Hard 15% Not Sure 27%

     If the Democratic Congress passed a bill that laid
     down stronger rules of the road for Wall Street
     and cut bonuses for the executives of companies
     that received government bailouts, would that make
     you more likely or less likely to vote Democratic
     in the 2010 general election?

     More likely 53% Less likely 14% No effect 33%

     What would do more to improve our nation's
     economic conditions: Decreasing government
     spending OR tightening government regulation of
     Wall Street and corporate executives?

     Cut spending 43% Tighten regulation 25%

     Democrats in Washington are more on my side than
     on the side of the lobbyists and special
     interests, OR Democrats in Washington are more on
     the side of the lobbyists and special interests
     than on the side of people like me.

     The lobbyists 47% People like me 23% Not sure 30%

     (Asked of people who opposed the Senate healthg
     care reform bill:) Do you think it goes too far or
     doesn't go far enough?

     Too far 23% Not far enough 36%

     Would you favor or oppose the national government
     offering everyone the choice of a government
     administered health insurance plan - something
     like the Medicare coverage that people 65 and
     older get - that would compete with private health
     insurance plans?

      Favor 82% Oppose 14% Not Sure 4%

It's also noteworthy that in each of those questions,
people who selfidentified as independents were nearly
identical in their views to selfidentified Democrats.

The bottom line: It ain't that complicated. A
progressive populist message on kitchentable domestic
issues is a winning message, even in a time when voters
are wary of government and concerned about deficits.

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