King is apparently lining up with the Tories as they get set to take
power. So this proposed reform in Britain will be as gutless as

Excerpt 2 is the best part though. It would mean you can borrow to
build a factory, or buy a car, or go to law school. But you can't
borrow money, not at least if you run a certified 'fund', in order to
enter the casino of the marketplace or to make acquisitions (which is
the key to how private equity makes 20-30% returns on its deals). But
if this guy was a Gravel adviser, about the only one in Congress who
might listen would be Kucinich. Meaning, marginal, no political

Excerpt 1
British Central Banker Favors Splitting Big Banks

Published: January 26, 2010

LONDON — Mervyn A. King, the governor of the Bank of England, is an
owlish, self-effacing man who, in contrast to his more outspoken peers
in Frankfurt and Washington, strikes a public posture that borders on
the demure.
Skip to next paragraph
Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg News

Mervyn King supports the idea that big banks should separate
proprietary trading activities from core deposit-taking functions.

But as outrage over lush banking profits gathers steam on both sides
of the Atlantic, Mr. King finds himself at the vanguard of a growing
movement that argues that big banks must separate their higher-risk
trading and investment banking businesses from their core
deposit-taking functions.

Last week, such a proposal pushed by the former Federal Reserve
chairman Paul A. Volcker made headway. President Obama shocked Wall
Street by proposing that large banks that collect customer deposits be
banned from engaging in proprietary trading activities.

Excerpt 2

Since that speech, Mr. King has become a cult hero of sorts to many
academics and others who advocate even harsher measures to keep banks
on the straight and narrow.

One who has had his ear is Laurence J. Kotlikoff, a professor at
Boston University who wants all financial institutions — from hedge
funds to private equity funds as well as investment and commercial
banks — to reconstitute themselves as mutual funds, meaning they would
not be allowed to borrow to increase the size of their investments.
The goal would be to prevent the types of debt-fueled bets that had
such dire consequences.

That Mr. King would just about endorse such a proposal for the entire
financial industry — he referred to Mr. Kotlikoff twice in his
testimony on Tuesday — suggests that he may be inclined to push
further than Mr. Obama.

“He is interested in this idea,” said Mr. Kotlikoff, who presented his
idea to Bank of England officials last November and says he will do so
again next month. “And he understands the depth of the problem.”


Policy Reform

Kotlikoff has actively proposed extremely simple reforms of the U.S.
financial system, tax system, health care system, and retirement
income system. His proposed reform of the financial system, discussed
in Jimmy Stewart Is Dead, called Limited Purpose Banking, transforms
all financial companies with limited liability, including incorporated
banks, insurance companies, financial exchanges, and hedge funds, into
pass-through mutual funds, which do not borrow to invest in risky
assets, but, instead, allows the public to directly choose what risks
it wishes to bear by purchasing more or less risky mutual funds.
Limited Purpose Banking keeps banks, insurance companies, hedge funds
and other financial corporations from borrowing short and lending long
and leaving the public to pick up the pieces when things go south.
Instead, if forces financial intermediaries to limit their activities
to their sole legitimate purpose -- financial intermediation. Limited
Purpose Banking substitutes the vast array of extant federal and state
financial regulatory bodies with a single financial regulator called
the Federal Financial Authority (FFA). The FFA would have a narrow
purpose namely to verify, disclosure, and oversee the independent
rating and custody off all securities purchased and sold by mutual

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