Jesse Jackson wants state residents to lead war on ‘banksters’
Published: Sunday, January 10, 2010

144 comment(s)

By Jim Shelton, Register Staff

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The Rev. Boise Kimber, left, and Willie Darden, center, listen to the
Rev. Jesse Jackson talk about Darden’s home on Thompson Street in New
Haven Saturday. The house is being foreclosed on. (Arnold

NEW HAVEN — The Rev. Jesse Jackson was in town Saturday, with a
message for the “banksters” controlling the American financial system:
He’s coming for you, and he’s bringing a bunch of people with him.

“I see whole towns sinking because of bankster power,” Jackson told a
crowd of about 100 people at First Calvary Baptist Church on Dixwell
Avenue. “We’re all worried about the street gangster. What about the

The speech was part of a cluster of appearances around the state
Jackson is making with the Rev. Boise Kimber, pastor and president of
First Calvary.

In part, Jackson was asking for support for an economic summit this
week in New York City, organized by his social action group,
Rainbow/PUSH, and its Wall Street Project. The Wall Street Project
intends to push for a restructuring of America’s financial sector that
is more equitable to homeowners, students with loans and individuals
with credit card debt.

But he also made it clear he considers Connecticut a prime spot from
which to launch a national protest against mortgage companies.

“This state is small enough to organize and big enough to be major,”
he said. “Connecticut can influence the course of the Senate and the

Sitting in a back pew, Willie Darden of Thompson Street hoped some of
that influence can help him keep his house.

“My father left the house for me and my family in 2007, but I became
unemployed and fell behind on the mortgage,” Darden explained. “Bank
of America put me on a forbearance plan, and last year I returned to
work, but they say I make too much money now. They can foreclose at
any time.”

Jackson, Kimber and other officials accompanied Darden back to his
front porch to pledge their support in getting a modification of the
terms of his mortgage. Jackson also led the group in prayer, as a cold
wind whipped across the gray porch.

“I’d just like some clarification of my mortgage,” Darden said. “I’d
like some help for myself and for others.”

In his speech, Jackson railed against the idea that Congress bailed
out the banks without linking the bailout to reinvestment. He noted
that only a fraction of the mortgages eligible for restructuring have
been changed.

“When the Congress was either bought up by the banks or raised money
from the banks, the Congress no longer was the referee (of the
financial sector),” Jackson said. “The banks bought up the referees.”

He suggested that banks should have a mission, beyond making money, to
serve the good of the American public. He called for a national
coalition of voters to push for financial change.

And he said Connecticut was the best place to start.

“Connecticut is quite a battleground state, where we can project a
message,” Jackson said after the speech. “So many students are in this
state. We have the insurance companies and the banks here. We need to
follow (Franklin D.) Roosevelt’s approach and restructure these loans,
not just make moral appeals individually.”

Kimber said much the same in his remarks.

“Certainly, the light is upon this state as we look to elect a new
U.S. Senator and a new governor,” he said. “These are issues that not
only plague blacks. They plague whites and Hispanics.”

Former Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy spoke as well, at Kimber’s
invitation. Preventing more foreclosures should be a top priority in
Washington, he stated.

“You know what foreclosures do?” Malloy said. “They rob the next
generation of wealth. Most wealth in this country is generated by home

A number of city officials and local clergy also attended the event,
including former Mayor John Daniels and alderwoman Jacqueline
James-Evans, D-3. Jackson recently lent his support in James-Evans’
unsuccessful bid to become president of the Board of Aldermen.

At one point, Jackson called several clergy members and others into
Kimber’s office and urged them not to let political differences
obscure them from seeing the larger picture.

“We spend so much time politicking on the politics, we lose sight of
what we’re all here for,” he said. “These are big fights. They’re much
bigger than territorial fights.”

Jim Shelton can be reached at 203-789-5664 or

Reader Comments
The following are comments from the readers. In no way do they
represent the view of

Rob wrote on Jan 10, 2010 2:49 AM:

" Everybody is ENTITLED to a big house a cadillac SUV ,60" plazma tv
and of course healthcare. When I bought my house I was making $2K per
month at the warehouse.The mortgage for the house I was entitled to
own was $1,900 per month. The nerve of these banksters to give me a
loan and not inform me I couldn't afford it! These banksters are not
only preying on minorities but whites as Rev. Jessie states. He had
his first of a cluster of appearances down on Dixwell Ave. And I
understand he will be visiting Wilton and New Canaan to talk to the
white man. But WE deserve more help because of slavery and racism.
Help us brotha Jessie! Jessie iz ma nizzle fo shizzle. "

Report Abuse

An American First wrote on Jan 10, 2010 2:58 AM:

" Common Sense - it's one thing to act high and mighty. If your
situation were reverse then you'd probably be singing a different
tune. We have a tendacy to believe what we wish to believe. Calling
the President a marxist whether they are white, black or mixed is
nothing more than a cowardly act, and had Bush or McCain were in
office would have meant being labeled as treason talk. Just because
the President does not look exactly as you do in the mirror, does not
make him and in the future her, any less the President of the United
States. If you think about it, was it the politicians and big
business? Yes, a Repbulican lead Congress (Senate and Congress)
performed a simple act in the late 90's called de-regulation at the
insistance of big business. Later a Republican lead congress during
the Bush Administration, insisted and signed the so-called housing for
all. Demoncrats have their shortcomings, as well as Liberals and even
Republicans. Get real Common Sense, do some research, save the
comments, you are an American first before your status, color or

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