These arms control experts are people embedded in the very national
security state that makes and maintains so many nukes in the first
place. The US side of the bargain is simply: they like a world with
fewer nukes because they hope they have technological edges that no
other force can match (mostly a delusion as Iraq and Afganistan show,
as Israel's periodic pulverizing of Gaza shows--their high-tech
militaries are so expensive they aren't really very good for anything
in the old imperialist mode).

Also what is going on here is the Obama warpigs trying to get Russia
lined up with them on Iran. You have to wonder what the real
conversation between Obama and Netanyahu was: like, N. giving Obama a
deadline, after which, Israel takes unilateral action against
Iran--not, of course, because Iran would have a nuke on a missile
capable of hitting Israel but because N. has to get re-elected or at
least keep his party in power.

Don't you wish they would invite Israel to multi-lateral talks on how
all nuclear powers could eliminate nuclear weapons?


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