CeJ  wrote:
> End most tendentiously.
> 1. Does it aim or can it achieve?
> 2. Extending federal plans to 30 million does not come anywhere near
> close to universal coverage or universal access to insured health
> care.
> 3. Directs federal subsidies towards and into the unsustained pricing
> bubbles centered on cost of prescription drugs (the profits of the
> pharmaceutical companies) and health care provision (the HMOs).
> So the coverage is not anywhere near universal, and, as O. himself
> said, you can't extend coverage without curbing costs (i.e., ending
> the bubbles).
> Even if the Repugs don't re-take control and repeal all this, we are
> now set up for 5 more years of bubbles in drugs and HMOs, subsidized
> by the bond-writing ability of the federal government.

CB; Bubbles _always_ burst. When this one bursts, it'll real
socialized medicine, like a real Swedish model,  not a bailout.

The worst , the better !


> Meanwhile, if the economy turns down again and severely, look for up
> to 50 million Americans to lose their coverage (many of whom won't
> know they are out until they have to use it).
> The only way this could result in a public option and universal care
> would be if an HMO goes bust like an investment bank--or auto
> maker--and the federal government has to take over ownership of it.

CB: See above comment

> Finally, the bill seems to have created the possibility of a
> constitutional crisis in that people will question whether or not the
> federal government has the right to force you (or fine) to buy health
> insurance (duff policies at that) from for-profit HMOs. Now the HMOs
> aren't going to fight that--hell, they want the money from that too.
> So what will squelch any challenge to the constitutionality of it all
> is simply that the HMOs would cut off funding to any party that did
> challenge it.

CB: We like constitutional crises, in general, but that sounds like a
hokey militia/Confederate/states rights Tenth Amendment theory, like
the Confederates and segregationist put forward. Michigan's Attorney
General is trying to sign on to something.

There's something of a political exorcism, purging of the rightwing
taint , in all this healthcare hullabaloo. The reactionaries are
jumping out of the wood work. Healthcare is like a Full moon of the
political season. Ideological wherewolves flash their teeth and reveal
themselves for what they are.

> I have to agree with Biden: health care reform this time around? Big
> fucking deal. Or was Biden for once in his life not being ironic?
> CJ

CB: Well, I'm glad he said "fuck" on national tv /internet. That's a
good sign (smile)

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