It's Geithner who brings the Goldman Sachs links right into the WH
(whereas under Bush it was H. Paulson).
The continuity of positions is so amazing that it can't be
coincidence. If it weren't for the ongoing finance crises, Geithner
would be heading up teams of trade reps visiting China, India, Brazil
and Russia.

But the Goldman Sachs links are too strong to ignore (even if Sachs
has quit working for Geithner).

Some of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s closest aides, none of
whom faced Senate confirmation, earned millions of dollars a year
working for Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Citigroup Inc. and other Wall
Street firms, according to financial disclosure forms.

The advisers include Gene Sperling, who last year took in $887,727
from Goldman Sachs and $158,000 for speeches mostly to financial
companies, including the firm run by accused Ponzi scheme mastermind
R. Allen Stanford. Another top aide, Lee Sachs, reported more than $3
million in salary and partnership income from Mariner Investment
Group, a New York hedge fund.

As part of Geithner’s kitchen cabinet, Sperling and Sachs wield
influence behind the scenes at the Treasury Department, where they
help oversee the $700 billion banking rescue and craft executive pay
rules and the revamp of financial regulations. Yet they haven’t faced
the public scrutiny given to Senate-confirmed appointees, nor are they
compelled to testify in Congress to defend or explain the Treasury’s

“These people are incredibly smart, they’re incredibly talented and
they bring knowledge,” said Bill Brown, a visiting professor at Duke
University School of Law and former managing director at Morgan
Stanley. “The risk is they will further exacerbate the problem of our
regulators identifying with Wall Street.”

While it isn’t unusual for Treasury officials to come from the
financial industry, President Barack Obama has been critical of Wall
Street, blaming its high-risk, high-pay culture for helping cause the
financial-market meltdown.

‘Reckless Behavior’

Speaking to financial executives last month, Obama said: “We will not
go back to the days of reckless behavior and unchecked excess that was
at the heart of this crisis, where too many were motivated only by the
appetite for quick kills and bloated bonuses.”

At the same time, the president has promised to change Washington by
keeping lobbyists for special interests at a distance and by making
decisions in the open.

Sperling and Sachs are each paid $162,900 at the Treasury. Along with
four others, they hold the title of counselor to Geithner. Sachs, 46,
withdrew earlier this year from consideration to be the Treasury’s top
domestic finance official, a job that would have required Senate

Geithner’s predecessor, Henry Paulson, brought on a coterie of
non-confirmed advisers from Goldman Sachs at the end of his term.
Paulson, who had been the firm’s chief executive officer, defended the
arrangement as necessary to quickly bring in top talent when the
financial system was on the verge of collapse.

Awaiting Confirmation

The title of counselor had been generally reserved for those awaiting
confirmation. Some of Geithner’s aides now work in that capacity,
including Lael Brainard, who has been nominated to be undersecretary
for international affairs, and Jeffrey Goldstein, the nominee to be
undersecretary for domestic finance.

“The use of counselors provides an opportunity to bring valuable
expertise into the department to serve in a close capacity with the
secretary,” said Rob Nichols, a former Treasury official under
Secretaries Paul O’Neill and John Snow, neither of whom relied
extensively on unconfirmed aides. “It’s important that they
complement, but don’t supplant, the Senate confirmed appointments.”

The use of unconfirmed counselors can cut both ways. It allows
Geithner to bring in staff quickly by avoiding the arduous
confirmation process. On the other hand, the aides don’t get as tough
a vetting by the White House or Congress and remain less accountable
than Senate-confirmed officials.

Understanding Markets

Treasury spokesman Andrew Williams said the department needs people
with a deep understanding of markets and the financial system,
especially as it works to fend off the worst recession in half a

“The secretary thought that the best way to utilize their talents was
to allow these individuals to provide advice to the secretary on
policy issues through appointments as counselor,” Williams said.

All of Geithner’s counselors are subject to federal ethics rules,
including a pledge to avoid contact with their former firms for at
least a year, Williams added.

Most officials at the Treasury who have been approved by Congress come
from academic, legal or non-Wall Street backgrounds. For example,
Geithner’s deputy, Neal Wolin, was president and chief operating
officer for property and casualty operations at insurer Hartford
Financial Services Group Inc. in Hartford, Connecticut. Michael Barr,
the assistant secretary for financial institutions, was a professor at
the University of Michigan Law School.

Merrill Lynch Executive

An exception is Herb Allison, who runs the office that administers the
financial rescue. He had been chief executive officer of mortgage
finance company Fannie Mae and retirement- services firm TIAA-CREF,
and before that was a longtime executive at Merrill Lynch & Co. in New

Along with Sperling and Sachs, Geithner’s inner circle also includes
counselor Lewis Alexander, the former chief economist at Citigroup;
Chief of Staff Mark Patterson, who was a lobbyist at Goldman Sachs,
and Matthew Kabaker, a deputy assistant secretary who worked at
private equity firm Blackstone Group LP. Patterson’s and Kabaker’s
jobs did not require confirmation.

One counselor who doesn’t have a finance background is Jake Siewert, a
press secretary for President Bill Clinton who came to the Treasury
after working as a vice president at New York- based Alcoa Inc., the
largest U.S. aluminum producer.

Alexander, who left Citigroup in March to join the Treasury, was paid
$2.4 million in 2008 and the first few months of 2009, according to
his financial-disclosure form. He advises Geithner on economic trends
and does research on financial markets.

Toxic Assets

Kabaker, who works on domestic finance policy and helped craft the
Treasury plan to spur banks to sell their toxic assets, earned $5.8
million working on private equity deals at Blackstone in 2008 and 2009
before joining the Treasury at the end of January, his disclosure form
shows. Much of the compensation was in stock that Kabaker, who worked
at Blackstone for 10 years, was awarded when it went public in 2007.

On his disclosure, Sachs estimated that he would receive $3.4 million
in income from Mariner. The precise figure was not given because the
books hadn’t closed on a number of partnerships when he joined the
department in January. As of Feb. 23, when he signed the document,
Sachs said he was also owed a 2008 bonus where the value was “not

Sachs’s former firm also had agreed to repurchase his shares in
Mariner Partners Inc., an investment fund. Sachs estimated his income
from the fund at $1 million to $5 million. Sachs, who declined to
comment, also specializes in domestic finance.

Work on Education

In Sperling’s primary job, he was paid $116,653 by the Council on
Foreign Relations for work related to education in developing

Sperling’s disclosure shows he supplemented his salary through a
variety of consulting jobs, board seats, speaking fees and
fellowships, to bring his total income to more than $2.2 million in
the 13 months ending in January.

He was paid $480,051 as a director of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange
and $250,000 for providing quarterly economic briefings to two hedge
fund firms, Brevan Howard Asset Management LLP and Sterling Stamos
Capital Management.

Sperling spoke at a Washington event hosted by the Houston- based
Stanford Group Co. in November 2008, three months before its chairman
was sued by the Securities and Exchange Commission for allegedly
bilking investors of $7 billion. He also spoke at a Washington event
in October 2007 that was sponsored by Citigroup, which has received
$45 billion in government assistance.

Paid Speeches

Sperling, 50, was paid for his speeches through the Harry Walker
Agency, which books speakers. His disclosure form does not list how
much he was paid for each speech.

Sperling also drew a $137,500 salary from Bloomberg News for writing a
monthly column and appearing on television, according to his

Goldman Sachs paid Sperling the $887,727 for advice on its charitable
giving. That made the bank his highest-paying employer. Even
Geithner’s chief of staff Patterson, who was a full-time lobbyist at
the firm, did not make as much as Sperling did on a part-time basis.
Patterson reported earning $637,492 from Goldman Sachs last year.

“My sole work for Goldman Sachs was as lead consultant on the
creation, design, and initial implementation of ‘10,000 Women,’ their
$100 million philanthropic effort to give business and leadership
education to poor women around the world,” Sperling said.

His total income of $2.2 million was unusually high, Sperling added.

The Wall Street ties are troubling to some advocates for investors.
“Where is the transparency this administration promised?” asked Lynn
Turner, a former chief accountant at the SEC. “You just wonder, who is
representing middle Americans?”

Conflicts of Interest’

Magnetar, in an e-mailed statement, said it didn’t select the assets
going into its CDOs, that it didn’t have a particular view on the
housing market and that both underwriters and collateral managers
understood its strategy of betting against “particular tranches.”

Tricadia told investors in prospectuses for the almost $10 billion of
CDOs for which it served as asset manager that it might or would bet
against the collateral it selected. In April 2007, the firm took it
one step further by disclosing in a 399- page prospectus that it took
the opposite side of trades that the CDO entered into through UBS, the

“General statements with respect to the possibility of conflicts of
interest are not going to inoculate banks or asset managers or hedge
funds,” said Pickhardt.

Tricadia, which also said it would buy some of the CDOs’ most junior
slices, was created in April 2003 as an affiliate of Marnier
Investment Group, a hedge-fund firm whose management included Lee
Sachs, now a counselor to Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner.
Tricadia co-founder Michael Barnes didn’t respond to messages seeking

The CDO at the center of the SEC case is one of at least 23 Abacus
deals created by Goldman Sachs, and one of the only ones for which the
firm hired an outside asset manager, according to prospectuses. The
others were managed by Goldman Sachs.

Synthetic CDOs

CDOs are investment vehicles that repackage pools of assets such as
home-loan bonds, buyout loans and bank capital notes into a series of
new securities with varying risks. The vehicles come in three
varieties: synthetic, meaning filled with credit- default swaps
instead of actual securities; cash, which are filled with actual
bonds; and hybrids, with a mix of both of debt and default swaps,
which are derivatives that offer payments if the securities they
reference don’t perform as expected, in return for regular premiums.

The Abacus deals were synthetic CDOs tied to mostly subprime home
loans and commercial mortgages. UBS, in a series called North Street
from at least 2000 through at least 2005, and Deutsche Bank, through
its Start program in at least 2005 and 2006, also issued synthetic
CDOs tied to mortgages, according to Bloomberg data.

WASHINGTON — The Treasury Department says a top aide to Treasury
Secretary Timothy Geithner is leaving the department next month.

Treasury spokesman Andrew Williams confirmed late Wednesday that
Geithner aide Lee Sachs, the department's point man in the financial
crisis, is stepping down.

Sachs is leaving because he views his chief objective, bringing
stability to the country's financial sector, has been largely met, The
Wall Street Journal reported.

His move may be seen as a further sign the economy has stabilized
following its worst crisis since the 1930s and signals the Treasury
Department is shifting from crisis management to shepherding an
economic recovery.

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