Americans still don't have health care, the US military still occupies
Iraq, its occupation of Afghanistan has expanded, and Obama pulled a
real bonehead move earlier this year when he announced a reversal--a
total boneheaded flipflop on offshore drilling--and gave the likes of
T. Boone Pickens (oil industry hedge fund operator now) and Transocean
(the company that owned and operated and leased Deepwater Horizon to
BP), at least temporarily,  a huge profit from capital gains. T. Boone
was on CNN, but he didn't divulge that his hedge fund's most valuable
holding was the company that gave us the Deepwater Horizon disaster.
BTW Transocean is HQd in Geneva for tax purposes, but it is most
thoroughly an American company.

The clock is now ticking for the new commander in the buck stops here
chief. There is enough oil in that resevoir that BP and Transocean
were tapping into to poison all the oceans of the world. Hint:
predator drones and the 10th mountain division aren't going to save
our asses on this one. I'm wondering if Goldman Sachs isn't now trying
to figure out if they should make artificial shorts on end of the
world scenarios.

T. Boone Pickens, founder and chairman of Dallas-based BP Capital LLC,
spoke with Bloomberg's Margaret Brennan yesterday about President
Barack Obama's pledge to expand offshore oil and natural gas drilling
and the outlook for U.S. energy policy. The president wants to permit
exploration in parts of the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean not
previously offered to companies such as Exxon Mobil Corp., the
country's largest energy producer.

Naturally, T. Boone Pickens’s hedge fund is full of Oil & Gas companies:

No. 1: Transocean Inc. (RIG), Weightings: 12.76% - 345,980 Shares

Transocean LTD., formerly Transocean Inc., is an international
provider of offshore contract drilling services for oil and gas wells.
Transocean Inc. has a market cap of $27.78 billion; its shares were
traded at around $86.38 with a P/E ratio of 7.6 and P/S ratio of 2.4.
Transocean Inc. had an annual average earning growth of 22% over the
past 10 years.

The action added at least $1.5 billion in market value to the offshore
drilling industry's major players. President George W. Bush might have
been an oilman -- and, to be fair, he did try to open up some areas
for drilling -- but it's Barack Obama who today snapped his fingers
and added nearly $1 billion in market cap to Transocean (NYSE: RIG),
the leading offshore drilling company.

Transocean, for example, which operates 138 mobile offshore drilling
rigs, grew its earnings from $0.22 a share in 2003 to an astonishing
$12.48 last year, a gain of +5,572.7%. That's reflected in its
historical earnings multiple, which is more than 40 times earnings for
the past five years. That kind of earnings growth is possible again.
The shares are up nearly +47% in the past year. Diamond Offshore has
had similarly strong earnings growth, with an average
price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) of more than 30 during the past five

The market tends to begin to price things in early. Yesterday,
President Obama proposed opening drilling along Atlantic coastline,
east of the Gulf of Mexico, and north of Alaska. Even if this proposal
is approved, actual drilling would likely not take place for several
years. The largest benefactors would likely be the offshore drilling
industry, in which Transocean Ltd. (NYSE: RIG) has a large fleet of
deep-water rigs and Jackups for shallow water. Since this would be
more long term, the IGP has targeted a cash-secured put if you want to
begin acquiring stock.

RIG Cash-Secured Put Trade Details:

RIG shares are trading at $88.24, up $1.86 today.


2000 was a key year in Global Marine’s expansion of its
ultra-deepwater fleet. In April, the Glomar C.R. Luigs arrived in the
Gulf of Mexico and began drilling her first well for BHP Petroleum. In
December, the Glomar Jack Ryan was completed and began drilling her
first well in Trinidad under a three-year contract with ExxonMobil.


Discoverer Spirit twice breaks the world water-depth record. 9,727
feet of water 9,687 feet of water.

Discoverer Spirit sets world record for deepest subsea completion.
7,209 feet of water.

Transocean Sedco Forex Inc. and R&B Falcon Corporation combine to form
the world's largest offshore drilling contractor.

Global Marine and Santa Fe International merge to become GlobalSantaFe
Corporation, the second largest drilling contractor in the world.

Santa Fe executed contracts with PPL Shipyard PTE, Ltd. of Singapore
for the construction of two high-performance jackup rigs and two
ultra-deepwater semi-submersible rigs with options for additional
drilling units.  Construction began during the first half of the year.


Discoverer Deep Seas sets the world water-depth record, becoming the
first rig in the industry to drill in more than 10,000 feet of water.
10,011 feet of water.

Polar Pioneer constructs a world-record horizontal well. 23,000 feet.

Deepwater Nautilus sets world record for deepest subsea completion.
7,570 feet of water.


Deepwater Nautilus sets its fifth straight world water-depth record
for a moored semisubmersible rig. 8,951 feet of water.

Deepwater Horizon sets world water-depth record for a semisubmersible
rig. 9,576 feet of water.


Deepwater Nautilus sets world record for deepest offshore oil and gas
well. 32,613 feet True Vertical Depth.

Discoverer Spirit sets world record for deepest offshore oil and gas
well. 34,189 feet Measured Depth.


Deepwater Millennium sets four world records for completion
operations, the latest in approximately 9,000 feet of water.


Transocean and GlobalSantaFe merge to become the world's largest
offshore driller.

In September 2009 its Deepwater Horizon rig established a 35,050 ft
(10,680 m) well, the deepest well in history.

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