More background reading on the push to take wells deeper into the seas
and at the same time deeper into the earth--with profitability assured
by US government subsidy and 'sequestration' of much cheaper oil in
Iraq (if Iraq produced on the level of Saudi Arabia and Russia, and
most think its fields could exceed this,  there would be a glut of oil
on the market).

BP drills oil discovery in the Gulf of Mexico

Published: Sep 2, 2009

Offshore staff

HOUSTON -- BP says it has drilled a “giant” oil discovery on the Tiber
prospect in Keathley Canyon block 102 in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico
Transocean’s using semisub Deepwater Horizon. The well, in 4,132 ft
(1,259 m) of water, struck oil in multiple lower tertiary reservoirs,
BP reports. It was drilled to a total depth of approximately 35,055 ft
(10,685 m), making it the deepest well ever drilled by the oil and gas
industry, the company says.

BP says it is too early to estimate the discovery’s resource
potential, but the company believes it is in the same class as its
other major discoveries in the GoM, including Kaskida, which is
estimated to have 3 Bboe in place.

“Tiber represents BP's second material discovery in the emerging Lower
Tertiary play in the Gulf of Mexico, following our earlier Kaskida
discovery in Keathley Canyon block 102,” says Andy Inglis, BP’s chief
executive of exploration and production. “These material discoveries
together with our industry leading acreage position support the
continuing growth of our deepwater Gulf of Mexico business into the
second half of the next decade.”

BP plans drill an appraisal well on Tiber to determine the size and
commerciality of the discovery.

BP operates Tiber with a 62% working interest. Co-owners are Petrobras
(20%) and ConocoPhillips (18%).


BP extends semisub Deepwater Horizon contract

Published: Sep 29, 2009

Offshore staff

ZUG, Switzerland -- A subsidiary of BP has awarded Transocean a
three-year contract extension for the semisubmersible Deepwater
Horizon. The extension, which covers operations in the Gulf of Mexico,
begins in September 2010.

Capable of operating in water depths up to 10,000 ft (3,048 m), the
Deepwater Horizon entered service in 2001 and recently set the world
record for the deepest oil and gas well at 35,050 ft (10,683 m) total
vertical depth, drilled for BP.


BP makes ‘giant’ oil discovery

BP’s Tiber is its second discovery in the Lower Tertiary. Its
first, Kaskida on Keathley Canyon block 292, is approximately 50 mi
(80 km) east-southeast of Tiber.

BP says it has drilled a “giant” oil discovery on the Tiber prospect
in Keathley Canyon block 102 in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico. The
well, in 4,132 ft (1,259 m) of water, struck oil in multiple lower
tertiary reservoirs. It was drilled to 35,055 ft (10,685 m) TMD,
making it the deepest well drilled ever by the oil and gas industry,
according to BP. Transocean’s semisubmersible Deepwater Horizon
drilled the well.

BP says it is too early to estimate the discovery’s ultimate resource
potential, but the company believes it is in the same class as its
other major discoveries in the GoM, including Kaskida, which is
estimated to hold 3 Bboe in place, with a projected recovery factor of
10% to 20%. Kaskida, discovered in 2006, was BP’s first major
discovery in the Lower Tertiary. The field is currently under
appraisal, with first production expected in 2014 at the earliest.

BP plans drill an appraisal well on Tiber to determine the size and
commerciality of the field. BP operates Tiber with a 62% working
interest. Co-owners are Petrobras (20%) and ConocoPhillips (18%).

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