On 8/10/10, waistli...@aol.com >
>  In that way, they represent an alternative to my book, The Road to  Hell
> is Not Paved With Good Intentions. I invite the reader/listener to enter  the
> dialogue and join the struggle to change the world.
> Yours in Struggle,
> Ronald D. Glotta
> Comment
> I have a copy of his book and read it a couple of times, as well as four
> CD's of commentaries. The first half of Ron's book read as a road map for
> those  interested primarily in electoral politics. The last section examine 
> the
>  world of sports, the Piston's and the Williams sisters. Pretty good
> stuff.
> Ron is an expert - intellectually and practically on electoral politics
> being very much involved in the "Vote Communist Campaign" of 1974 and 1976, if
>  memory serves correct. He was also involved in the James Johnson case and
> intense legal struggles which cast the legal profession and lawyers in
> Detroit as somewhat unique and  on the  cutting edge of  the social movement
> for half a century. The history of  the battles  within the legal arena,
> lawyers in and around Detroit is yet to be written in a  concise manner. Would
> make a fascinating read.
> You know Crockett, Young, Cockrel, Milton Henry, Detroit 67, New Bethel,
> desegregating the bench and a host of things you are more familiar with. This
>  dimension of the proletarian movement remains neglected.
> WL.

CB: Yes, and going back a little, Maurice Sugar, independent Marxist ,
main founder of the National Lawyers Guild. Then Ernie Goodman in the
Sugar firm. Crockett's membership in the firm made it the first
integrated law firm in ,maybe, America. Crockett went to jail for
contempt for a while when defending Communist Party members. In the
early fifties

Sugar was the first General Counsel of the UAW , until Reuther put him
out with the other Commies.  The UAW bought Black Lake from Sugar

Ron Glotta reads his commentaries on the "Fighting for Justice" radio
show Sunday's at 10:00 am.

Maurice Sugar


Maurice Sugar (1891 - 1974) was an American political activist and
labor attorney. He is best remembered as the long-time General Counsel
of the United Auto Workers Union.

Contents [hide]
1 Biography
1.1 Early years
1.2 Early career
1.3 Conscription issue
1.4 Later years
1.5 Death and legacy
2 Footnotes
3 Works
4 External links

[edit] Biography
[edit] Early years
Maurice Sugar was born August 12, 1891 in Brimley, Michigan (now
Superior Township), the son of ethnic Jewish parents who had emigrated
to America from Lithuania, which was then part of the Russian
empire.[1] Maurice's father, Kalman Sugar, worked as a storekeeper,
selling general provisions.[2]

Maurice's parents were not politically radical, with his father a
staunch supporter of populist Democrat William Jennings Bryan in the
1890s.[3] Kalman Sugar eventually joined the Socialist Party of
America in 1918, but it was under the influence of his son, not
vice-versa, as in the more typical case of so-called "red diaper

Growing up in Brimley, Sugar was exposed to the culture of a variety
of nationalities, as a large number of immigrants from French Canada,
Sweden, Finland, and Germany were employed in the dominant timber
industry of Michigan's Upper Peninsula.[4] The cultural diversity left
its mark upon him, his biographer notes:

"While Sugar would retain a Jewish identity, growing up in a largely
non-Jewish environment crated in him a strong melting-pot outlook. But
his family associated mainly with fellow immigrants of non-English
backgrounds and hence did not seek assimilation in an
'Anglo-conformity' manner... They therefore put a premium on
interethnic ties through which they built their identities as

In the summer of 1900, the Sugar family moved to Detroit, the bustling
metropolis on Michigan's eastern shore. The city was in the cusp of an
enormous economic boom based around the emerging automobile industry,
which would expand from 7200 workers in the city in 1908 to over
100,000 just eight years later.[6] The city boasted a large immigrant
population, including many who had left poverty and repression in the
Russian empire; some 88 percent of all Russian immigrants in Detroit
were Jews.[6] The reason for the Sugars' move was not cultural,
however, but related to the belief of his parents that Maurice and his
sister and brothers were being poorly educated in Brimley.[7] The
family store was left in the hands of one of Maurice's brothers, while
Maurice's father invested in a Detroit clothing store.[8]

Brimley was in a state of economic decline, however, with the
International Paper Company pulling up stakes on its Brimley facility
in 1903 and a recession hitting the country in 1906. In an effort to
save the floundering family store in Brimley, the Sugars returned in
1906. Maurice was sent with his brothers to Sault Ste. Marie to attend
high school.[8]

In September 1910, Sugar enrolled at the University of Michigan in Ann
Arbor, studying law. Michigan was chosen for economic reasons: as a
state-run school its tuition rate was more affordable than other more
prestigious private universities.[8] The school had a 3 year program
in law at the time;[8] Sugar completed his course work on schedule,
graduating in 1913 with his Bachelor of Laws degree.[2]

While at college, Sugar had met a red-headed tomboy from Grand Rapids,
Jane Mayer. Mayer, the socialist daughter of socialists, and Sugar
became close, both emotionally and politically, with the pair joining
the University of Michigan chapter of the Intercollegiate Socialist
Society together.[9] The couple would marry in April 1914.

[edit] Early career
Sugar apparently joined the Socialist Party of America (SPA) in 1912
and idolized the party's Presidential candidate, Eugene V. Debs.[10]
He read socialist literature prolifically and was particularly
influenced by the philosophical writings of Joseph Dietzgen as well as
the historical studies of Gustavus Myers and Charles Edward

Following his 1914 marriage, Sugar became increasingly active in the
Socialist Party of Michigan, state affiliate of the SPA. He attended
the weekly meetings of Local Detroit Socialist Party, which at the
time had a membership approaching 2,000.[12] Sugar's verbal skills and
mastery of Robert's Rules of Order made him an ideal meeting meeting
chairman and his mainstream "Regular" party views made him for some an
attractive alternative to the radical "impossibilist" Detroit shoe
store owner John Keracher. Sugar gained an additional following on the
basis of his measured public lectures on a wide range of social,
economic, and political themes.[12] By 1916 both Sugar and his wife
Jane Mayer had become recognized leaders in the local and state
Socialist Party.[13]

In 1916, Sugar ran for public office for the first time, standing as
the SPA's candidate for District Attorney in Wayne County. Sugar won
more votes than any other candidate on the Socialist ticket in the
county, accumulating 3,681 votes — more even than Socialist
Presidential candidate Allan L. Benson, who received 3,236 votes.[14]

Sugar's role as a prominent local as a critic of capitalist excess and
advocate for the socialist cause brought him to the attention of the
Detroit local of the International Typographical Union (ITU), which
was seeking more energetic courtroom representation than their current
attorney had been providing.[15] Embroiled in a strike and in the need
of legal services, ITU Local 18 hired the young Sugar as its new
permanent attorney — his first serious client. The experience he
gained in the ITU's strike gave him publicity and access to other
unions. While up to that time only a few attorneys had made "labor
law" their specialty, such as Morris Hillquit and Louis Waldman in New
York, Sugar soon decided to make the law as it related to trade unions
a professional specialty.[16]

In 1917, Sugar was a delegate to the 1917 Emergency National
Convention of the Socialist Party, held in St. Louis. There he was
elected to the convention's Ways and Means Committee and voted in
favor of the party's controversial anti-militarist manifesto.[17]

[edit] Conscription issue
With American entry into World War I, the main fight for the Socialist
Party in Detroit and across the country became the battle against the
war and military conscription. Immediately after the declaration of
war, a bill calling for a military draft had been introduced in
Congress, which was passed and signed into law by President Woodrow
Wilson on May 17, 1917. Unlike in many other parts of the country, the
labor movement in Detroit did not simply fall in line behind the war
effort, with Printers Local 18 and prominent individual labor leaders
condemning the war.[18] The official publication of the American
Federation of Labor's Detroit city federation filed to print
declarations by AF of L leadership in favor of the war effort and in
June the Detroit federation voted to endorse the anti-draft position
of the People's Council for Peace and Democracy.[19] Only direct
pressure by the keeper of the purse, AF of L President Samuel Gompers,
forced them to later rescind this decision.[20]

[edit] Later years
Sugar retired from active practice 1950, and lived on Black Lake in
northern Michigan. He was active in the affairs of the National
Lawyer's Guild after his retirement.[21]

[edit] Death and legacy
Maurice Sugar died on February 15, 1974. He was 82 years old at the
time of his death.

Sugar's papers, consisting of over 58 linear feet of material, are
housed at the Walter P. Reuther Library at Wayne State University in

[edit] Footnotes
^ Christopher H. Johnson, Maurice Sugar: Law, Labor, and the Left in
Detroit, 1912-1950. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1988; pg.
^ a b Marion Dickerman and Ruth Taylor (eds.), Who's Who in Labor. New
York: The Dryden Press, 1946; pg. 344.
^ a b Johnson, Maurice Sugar, pg. 27.
^ Johnson, Maurice Sugar, pg. 29.
^ Johnson, Maurice Sugar, pg. 31.
^ a b Johnson, Maurice Sugar, pg. 35.
^ Johnson, Maurice Sugar, pg. 34.
^ a b c d Johnson, Maurice Sugar, pg. 38.
^ Johnson, Maurice Sugar, pp. 40-41.
^ Johnson, Maurice Sugar, pg. 43.
^ Johnson, Maurice Sugar, pp. 45-46.
^ a b Johnson, Maurice Sugar, pg. 49.
^ Johnson, Maurice Sugar, pp. 60-61.
^ Johnson, Maurice Sugar, pg. 65.
^ Johnson, Maurice Sugar, pg. 54.
^ Johnson, Maurice Sugar, pp. 54-55.
^ Johnson, Maurice Sugar, pg. 68.
^ Johnson, Maurice Sugar, pg. 69.
^ Johnson, Maurice Sugar, pp. 69-70.
^ Johnson, Maurice Sugar, pg. 70.
^ Ernest Goodman, Introduction to Maurice Sugar, The Ford Hunger
March. Meikeljohn Civil Liberties Institute, 1980.
[edit] Works
Working Class Justice: A Popular Treatise on the Law of Injunctions in
Labor Disputes. Detroit: Detroit Federation of Labor, 1916.
The Auto Workers Tell the President Plenty! Statement to Presidential
Board at Hearing on Automobile Industry in Detroit, December 16, 1934.
Detroit: Committee for Maurice Sugar For Judge of Recorder's Court,
n.d. [c. 1935].
A Negro on Trial for his Life : The Frame-up of James Victory Exposed!
Speech to Jury by Counsel for Defense Maurice Sugar, Candidate for
Judge of Recorder's Court. Detroit: Committee for Maurice Sugar For
Judge of Recorder's Court, n.d. [1935].
A Guide to the Preparation of By-laws for Local Unions of UAW-CIO.
Detroit: UAW-CIO Education Dept., 1944.
[edit] External links
Finding Aid for the Maurice Sugar Papers, Wayne State University,
Detroit. Retrieved July 14, 2010.
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurice_Sugar";
Categories: 1891 births | 1974 deaths | People from Detroit, Michigan
| University of Michigan alumni | Michigan lawyers | American
socialists | Members of the Socialist Party of America | American
Marxists | American labor unionists | American labor leaders |
Congress of Industrial Organizations

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