On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 4:42 PM,  <waistli...@aol.com> wrote:
> In a message dated 11/8/2010 8:20:54 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> _cb31...@gmail.com_ (mailto:cb31...@gmail.com)  writes: Tea Party Election  
> Results
> Diluted in Highly Populated States By Tom Moroney and  Terrence  Dopp - Nov 5,
> 2010
> Tea Party supporters boasted of their 28 victories in U.S. House races.
> What  the election results also made clear was that their appeal stopped at
> the border  of the most densely-populated states and metropolitan areas.
> Republican _Carl Paladino_
> Comment
> As I understand the results, the "blue dog democrats" took the big hit
> losing 23 or their 54 official caucus members, or 48% of the Democrat party
> House loses.
> Michigan governor race was another Democratic Party loss.
> Rick Snyder (R-MI) 1,879,499 Votes 58%
> Virg Bernero (D-MI) 1,278,566  Votes 40%
> And the beat goes on.
> WL

CB: Yeah. Bernero ran very left. He said he was going to take state
money out of banks that didn't carry out the mortgage modification
plan, put a moratorium on mortgage foreclosures, made Mainstreet vs
Wall Street v his campaign theme, picked a Black woman mayor as his
running mate. I was in Bert's at karaoke on the Saturday before the
election. I was going to say vote for Bernero before I sang. Next
thing I know there's Verg Bernero coming into the bar saying a few

Anyway, the Republicans won all state offices and majorities in both
Houses of the legislature. So, it is squarely on them to balance the
state budget. How they will cut taxes on business and do that too will
be quite a trick. And then how are they going to fix the economy ?
Isn't it the Republican idea that government should stay out of the
economy ?  Let the economy fix itself ? Free enterprise and the free
market. Yet, this Republican is elected on the promise of fixing the
economy _as governor_, which means by government means in derogation
of the Republican fake free market ideology. But hey, Mr. Capitalist (
Snyder is a middle sized capitalist), show us how to use the
government to fix the economy. That'll be a form of socialism.

And if the economy doesn't get better, there will be clearly only one
party to blame in Michigan.

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