If Obama's presidency sort of blows apart either the Republican or  
Democratic Parties, this might be a teaching moment for the US masses. I don't  
I heard on Bill Press this morning that two Democrats were on the front  
page of some paper asking Obama to declare that he is not going to run for  
re-election. Could Obama's presidency divide the Democratic Party, a new route 
 to a third party through an unexpected "dialectic" ? 
I of course voted for Obama and stated such on this list. I also stated my  
connection with him through the vote, rather than as a supporter of the  
Democratic Party establishment, ended at the last inaugural dance. 
The Democratic and Republican parties are already polarized and fractured.  
Obama’s presidency further divided and polarized both parties before he was 
 sworn into office. 

After coming to office Obama’s politics of new “bipartisanship” sought  to 
unite the center of both parties into a ruling coalition. This has been his 
 stated policy from day one and if has further polarized and widened the 
fracture  with the political grouping organized around and in support of 
Clinton. The new  Health Care bill, once it is experienced, will all but finish 
Obama off  politically. Thus, it contains many components not to be 
implemented until 2014,  2018 and 2020. 
Third parties are already coming out of both Democrats and Republican  
polarities. Within the Democratic Party are the efforts of the PDA – 
 Democrats of America, but I am not sure if they will be able to get any  
traction.  The “blue dogs” Democrats, who on the American continuum of  
politics are Dixiecrats preferring not to whistle Dixie out loud, took a  
horrific ass wiping in the midterm election, losing half of their official  
members. With the Republicans the big split is the Tea Party.  The there  was 
registered growth of the Green party votes and various socialist party votes  
the midterm election. The governor race in Ohio and the vote for socialist  
candidate is a case in point. 
The thing about the two party system is that the growth of a Third Party  
effort from “the left” generally means the worse of worse of candidates in 
both  parties generally are going to win. This trap is built into the system. 
Third  party movement coming out of the Republican camp pushes everything 
further to  the right, or the worse of the worse in both parties. Obama is 
banking on his  worse winning. 

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