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Frankly, this kind of fatuous flippant response, along with other real life distractions, is why I don't participate consistently on this discussion list. Come on, Louis, do you think we are going to be able to jump in terms of political consciousness and organization directly from mass reformist rallies (of the sort that the CP and the SWP organized against the Vietnam War back in the day and which have their role) to System overthrow through insurrection or General Strike or whatever without any intervening or mediating steps along the way?? Without taking a stance one way or another on the appropriateness of what happened after-hours in London the other night because I haven't read enough, I'm sure you know the arguments for direct action, whether from Saul Alinsky or more Sixties radical sources: empowerment through people taking matters into their own hands, learning through their own experience who their friends and enemies are, etc. Marx made the same sort of argument about strikes.

If we look at the most recent example of a mass revolution-in-process, namely Egypt, we see a mixture of tactics being employed in the process.


On 3/28/2011 10:10 AM, Jay Moore wrote:

You may be right there. But what kind of radical direct action, if
any, do you think is appropriate in situations like the Big March
in London?

Well, self-immolation of course. The next time the Black Block wants to show how militant it is, I will bring along the kerosene and matches.

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