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On 4/8/2011 3:30 PM, Fred Feldman wrote:
As Lenin, Trotsky, and Castro have pointed out, democratic revolution means
a profound change in social not just parliamentary conditions, and this
character creates the bridge between what begins as a democratic revolution
and the democratic and socialist revolution. This reflects the effect that
decades of neoliberal training have had among some of the educated and
mis-educated layers.

Fred, you keep on doing this. You make comparisons between people who live in countries where Marxism and radical parties have been banned for decades. It is unrealistic to expect such developments to take place overnight. There certainly are Kerensky types--or Cadet types to be more exact--in the Arab world (Elbaredi, Saif Qaddafi, etc.) but it will take years of organizing to develop a Lenin or a Castro. If you study the emergence of the July 26th movement, you will be aware that Fidel Castro started out as a bourgeois politician. As for Lenin, he would be an unlikely figure without the precedence of Kautsky's party. In order for a vanguard to emerge in the Arab world, there has to be *political freedom*. That is why the indifference to such a need at MRZine, WWP, PSL, Michel Chossudovsky sticks in my craw so much.

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