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On Apr 8, 2011, at 6:40 PM, Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com> wrote:

> On 4/8/11 6:33 PM, Lou Paulsen wrote:
>> Okay, I must have missed the party document where it says "we don't
>> care about political freedom in the Arab world."
> Sorry, I must have missed all those articles in Workers World newspaper going 
> back two decades all about what was happening in Libya
> 1. Torture
> 2. Mass killing of prisoners
> 3. (etc)
> Unless of course you do care about such abuses but refrain from writing about 
> them for fear that you would be confused with Joanne Landy and Michael Berube.
> ______________________________

Well, Libya is not the whole Arab world. We have made our views clear about 
opposing abuses particularly in those parts of the Arab world where the 
oppressors have been the proxies of US imperialism.

That may not strike you as an adequate argument, so let me go farther. The 
founders of our party came out of a setting where it was commonplace to set 
aside big chunks of the newspaper to condemn abuses in the "Stalinist" 
countries in such language that would never give anyone the impression that 
there was any content there to defend. We have been distinguishing ourselves 
from that tradition for sixty years now. 

The purpose of our newspaper and website is primarily to educate and arouse the 
workers and oppressed in the US about the crimes of the US ruling class. It is 
not to publish everything we care about in the world and call upon the workers 
in every particular country to rise up and deal with their situation according 
to our expertise. 

I don't think this is outside the Leninist tradition. I would bet that you 
could find a whole host of abuses by governments, capitalists, rulers and 
tyrants around the world in the period, say, of 1903-1917, which never got any 
mention in the Bolshevik press, not because they didn't care about them, but 
because they were writing mainly about Russia and its empire.

Now, if you care about some bad thing, you want to do something about its 
cause. I won't attempt to prove to you without evidence that we care about the 
abuses that have taken place in Libya. But what about the causal chain? Who is 
responsible? Just Gadhafi and his personal impulses? In my view, the buck stops 
with us here in the US. We have not only not overthrown our imperialists, we 
have let our working class get weak, uneducated, and backward. This has 
contributed to the historical period we are in, in which every anti-imperialist 
force, not to say socialist force, in the Arab world has been deprived of 
support, directly targeted and in many cases physically destroyed. The 
incentive structure is all in the direction of collaboration and authoritarian 

Until we turn our own situation around here, innumerable deaths and 
unmeasurable crimes are going to take place. So how are we actually going to 
most effectively use our resources to bring more freedom to the Arab world? By 
doing our revolutionary, anti-imperialist job? Or by using some of our 
resources to make sure that our readers are aware of abuses in Libya, which 
they can't do anything about except, arguably, support humanitarian imperialist 

Lou Paulsen
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