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Lou wrote (in reference to the Workers World Party):

>I think there's a much better example of what 
>I am talking about, the newspaper of the ISO. 
>That is why they are growing rapidly and you 

and then in another exchange:

>...if you are satisfied with having a hundred or so 
>members in a country of nearly 300 million, 
>please continue on your merry way. 

I found this to be very interesting because of a piece 
Lou wrote on the WWP in 1998 just after Sam Marcy died.

>..it is quite likely that the Workers World Party is 
>the largest "Marxist-Leninist" group in the USA today...
>Groups like the WWP and the "state capitalist" 
>International Socialist Organization, a cult around 
>the Englishman Tony Cliff, are now growing, while 
>nonsectarian formations like the CofC and Solidarity 
>remain stagnant.

Obviously Lou's attitude toward the ISO has undergone 
a sea change but what struck me most was the assertion
that the WWP has fallen so far and so fast in the 
intervening years.Is this true? If so, than how did 
it happen?

I believe the American left, despite the small 
numbers, is important and the history of the 
most significant groups is worth studying. The problem
is that outside of the CPUSA and the IWW, there 
just isn't that much interest by historians 
in researching these organizations. For example, 
as important as the WWP was in the anti-war and 
anti-imperialist movements in the 1980's and 1990's, 
I was only able to mention of two published works 
that discus the party:

'International Trotskyism' by Robert Alexander 
'The Prophet's Children' by Tim Wohlforth

Are either of these worth reading? Could comrades 
direct me any other publications?

If it is true that the WWP is in percipitous decline 
than I can only surmise that the internal rupture
that created the PSL was devastating and has not 
been repaired. Along with Brian Becker and others 
in important leadership positions, I know that the 
WWP groups in DC and San Francisco left and, most 
importantly, the ANSWER coalition.

I would be very interested in hearing of any 
dissenting opinions to Lou's prognosis and please
contact me off list if you prefer. 

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