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Einde wrote:

> I must say that I was most surprised to find this on this list

I was just as surprised to find it on the politics page of Spiegel Online.  

Michael wrote:

> Naaah. Booorrring. They're all just Zionists. 

Funny, according to Der Spiegel, the Springer press, and the neo-conservative 
academics Samuel Salzborn and Sebastian Vogt, they're all horrible anti-Semites.

I guess Die Linke must be doing something right if they can piss of Zionists 
and Anti-Zionists in equal measure.

I must say, there is something sickening about the discourse of the German 
political and academic layers that the only party in the Bundestag with a 
co-chairman of Jewish heritage is denounced as the most anti-Semitic party in 
the history of the Federal Republic.

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