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  China Left Review <http://chinaleftreview.org/>

    Issue #4 / 第四期

*Summer 2011*


*/Historical Legacies, Global Financial Crisis, and China’s Working
Class Movement/*

Edited by Stephen Philion and The Chinese Workers Editorial Collective /
编辑: 方迪、中国工人研究网

    * English Introduction <http://chinaleftreview.org/?p=464>
    * 中文前言 <http://chinaleftreview.org/?p=502>

*历史背景和中国工人总体状况 / Historical Background and Chinese Workers’
Overall Conditions*

    * 中国工人研究全体编辑: 工人阶级的现状和未来
    * Research on Chinese Workers Editorial Collective: The Chinese
      Working Class Present Conditions and Future

    * 韩西雅: 工人阶级、工会、党、行政:建国初有关工会问题的两次争论
    * HAN Xiya: The Working Class, Union, Party, and Administration: Two
      Key Debates on the Role of the Union in the Early Years of the
      People’s Republic <http://chinaleftreview.org/?p=467>

    * 韩西雅: 工人阶级管理企业、管理上层建筑的实践
    * HAN Xiya: Chinese Working Class Management of Enterprises and
      Superstructure <http://chinaleftreview.org/?p=648>

    * 张耀祖: 新中国60年工人阶级的演变和发展
    * ZHANG Yaozu: Notes on The Transformation and Development of the
      Chinese Working Class During the Past 60 Years

    * Joel ANDREAS: Expropriation of Workers and Capitalist
      Transformation in China <http://chinaleftreview.org/?p=477>
    * 乔尔.安舟: 中国资本主义改革与剥夺工人

*中国国企工人面在改制和全球金融危机中的斗争 / Struggles by China’s
Traditional Working Class in Response to SOE Restructuring and Global
Financial Crisis*

    * 燎原: 辽阳铁合金厂的改制过程和工人的反腐维权斗争
    * LIAO Yuan: The Restructuring Process at the Liaoyang Fero-alloy
      Factory and Workers’ Anti-Corruption Struggles

    * 裴海德: 从两个案例看城市传统工人 <http://chinaleftreview.org/?p=523>
    * PEI Haide: What Two Case Studies Tell Us about the Situation of
      State Owned Enterprise Workers Today

    * Stephen PHILION: By What Right do Chinese State Enterprise Workers
      Fight for Rights? <http://chinaleftreview.org/?p=486>
    * 方迪: 中国国企工人通过什么权利斗争

*中国新工人阶级的形成 / The Formation of China’s New Working Class*

    * 沈梅: 金融风暴以来珠三角工人处境及劳资矛盾走向
    * SHEN Mei: The Plight of Pearl River Delta Region Workers and Labor
      Conflicts: Trends since the Onset of the Financial Crisis

    * 水木: 深圳打工者现状――对一位维权志愿者的访谈
    * SHUI Mu: The Conditions of Migrant Workers in Shenzhen: A
      Discussion with a Rural Migrant Workers’ Rights Activist

    * 潘毅,任焰: 未完成的无产阶级化――当代中国第二代农民工的身份认知、情
      感与集体行动 <http://chinaleftreview.org/?p=534>
    * PUN Ngai and REN Yan: The Implications of /Nongmingong /(Peasant
      Worker, Migrant Worker): An Incomplete Proletarianization

    * 陈敬慈: 中国的阶级斗争:珠三角新工人罢工案例研究
    * Chris CHAN: Class Struggle in China: Case Studies of Migrant
      Worker Strikes in the Pearl River Delta

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