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I agree with you about Cohen in general. But there is actually a twist at the 
end of Dictator - his "99%" speech - which could point in a new direction. 

18 maj 2012 kl. 05:10 skrev Nick Fredman:

> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
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> Shane Mage <shm...@pipeline.com> referred to:
> <http://www.salon.com/2012/05/16/sacha_baron_cohens_dark_political_farce/singleton>
> From this review:
>>> we see the bearded North African tyrant Admiral General Aladeen, portrayed 
>>> of course by Baron Cohen, playing a first-person-shooter video game called 
>>> „Munich Olympics.‰ You‚re groaning already, right? <<
> Yep I'm groaning as it sounds like very poor and unfunny satire. Satire to 
> work should have some relation to the real social world. The problem is that 
> Cohen's work is directed at the West where where anti-Jewish prejudice is 
> very marginal, even among much of the far right (UK BNP and EDL, French FN) 
> and anti-semitism is most often raised as a slander against anti-Zionists. As 
> this alleged joke appears to do. Cohen shows little or no sympathy for the 
> victims of the racism that is actually endemic in mainstream discourse.

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