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I think the appeal of black bloc tactics is related to the deeply
rooted faith that there should be instant gratification in everything,
including politics.  That's a cardinal selling-point of American

Unfortunately, I never bookmarked the site with the latest survey on
geographic knowledge, but I did dig out the 2006 results.  And they
are sobering.

It both reflects many of the worst aspects of American civilization
and explains them.  Most cannot find Iraq on a map of the Mideast (the
Mideast, mind you, not the world).  Half couldn't find Indian on a map
of Asia.  Half or more can't find New York or Ohio on a map of the
U.S.  Only about a third thought it was important to know where
countries in the news actually were.  Most think English is the most
commonly spoken language in the world, and only 14% thought knowing
another language was a necessary skill.  (I suspect these were almost
all the hispanic kids.)

These views simply reflect the instittuional arrogance of our ruling class.


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