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On 7/8/2012 8:41 PM, Manuel Barrera wrote:
Favoring imperialist intervention for whatever reason--today--is . . . an error.
This specifically has the potential to be a counter-revolutionary position.

Any such static, one size fits all, generalized position that doesn't take in to account concrete conditions has that potential. It is mechanistic not dialectical and it is not Marxism.

I know "--today--" is to ward off comparisons to earlier imperialist interventions like say France support for the US revolution or the more recent US imperialist support for the Soviet Union and the Viet Minh during WW2, but it doesn't really fix the problem.

I think the Libyans have well demonstrated the counter-revolutionary nature of that position because if the thuwar had refused NATO air support on your advise, it is very unlikely that they would have had the first free elections in their history yesterday, instead they probably would still be slugging it out in a much longer and - for the people - a much bloodier civil war like the people of Syria are facing now.

Of course such proclamations as "whatever reason" are easy as long as one is not facing the practical tasks of making a revolution.

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