Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

So you can understand someone being assaulted might call the police, but so
long as you are not being beaten up, you can maintain your ideological
"purity." So if a friend is being beaten up and ask you to call the police
for him [like supporting the call of the Syrian people for intervention]
your repsonse would be "I'm just not going to call the police my friend."

Have I got that right?

On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 9:40 AM, Manuel Barrera <mtom...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
> "I can think of many other examples in which the revolutionary have been
> able to exploit contradictions among imperialists to their advantage. Once
> you deny those possibilities you  seriously limit the possibility of
> revolution."
> Nice trick--from "exploiting contradictions" to imperialists as allies --a
> little Stalinism never hurt nobody, huh? Oh, but wait, yes it did.
> Imperialists as allies "objectively" or otherwise isn't the same thing as
> exploiting contradictions. I absolutely love exploiting the contradictions
> of the capitalist class. Indeed, if the revolutionary left were to be much
> better at it--a point where I most wholeheartedly agree with Binh--we would
> be much better able to defend the Syrian revolution. Indeed, my
> participation--and recruitment to revolutionary politics--during the era of
> Vietnam was one of the greatest object lessons in exploiting contradictions
> among the imperialists. We exploited the demagoguery of the so-called
> "anti-war" senators and bourgeois liberals to stand up and oppose the
> imperialist war; we exploited the proletarian, and exploited, nature of the
> U.S. army to win over first, anti-war veterans, then anti-war G.I.s, then
> anti-war combat soldiers (not necessarily in that order) to help neutralize
> the effectiveness of the war machine. So, exploiting contradictions is an
> important tool of any true revolutionary fighter--we don't fight on the
> Enemy's terms, we fight on the masses'. However, for us to have been
> effective at "exploiting contradictions" we needed three important things:
> the revolutionary--that is, the completely anti-imperialist character of
> the Vietnamese revolutionary forces (regardless of their leadership's
> Stalinist character), the development of organized mass opposition to the
> imperialist war (and its machine, I might add), and, politically, our
> understanding of the objective class character of all the forces involved
> in that struggle including "contradictions" within the ruling classes, the
> intransigence of the rightist Vietnamese puppet governments and Stalinized
> NVA, and era of worldwide youth radicalization.
> Perhaps such conditions will arise when it comes to Syria, but I hope you
> will agree that such conditions are not that clear as yet or necessarily
> going to be the same--it is correct that one doesn't engage in "cookie
> cutter" organizing. However, we will never become a force that can truly
> help the revolutionary character of the Syrian struggle against Assad
> unless we recognize the difference between "exploiting contradictions" and
> thinking of the imperialists as allies--objectively or not (as opposed
> "objectively" to support the revolution by aligning ourselves completely
> with bourgeois nationalists who may be seeking to usurp the struggle and
> most likely to use imperialist intervention expressly for their
> capitalist-inspired purposes).
> If you really feel the need to work with imperialist allies, perhaps it
> might be useful if you went to the offices of Congress and began lining up
> anti-war senators and representatives to build massive anti-war
> demonstrations on the Capitol? You know, as opposed to "winning
> [revolutionary] friends and influencing [revolutionary] people" by nodding
> profusely in assent when Syrian revolutionary fighters--at the point of a
> gun--are forced to shout "hey, somebody--Hillary! Somebody--NATO! Somebody
> bomb this Syrian m. . .urderer before he shoots me!" Indeed, if a bunch of
> right-wing thugs came after me on the streets and were about to try to kill
> me, I'd probably call the cops and hope they aren't part of the same
> right-wing hate group so they could immediately protect me. That doesn't
> make me a defender of the capitalist state, it just makes me desperate. So,
> no, I have no difficulty exploiting contradictions, I'm just not going to
> call the police my friend or vote for more cops in the street; or, to the
> point, try to justify In Principle that the bourgeois state can be my ally.
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Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust <http://VietnamAmericanHolocaust.com>
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Daily Ko <http://clay-claiborne.dailykos.com/>
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