Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.


On 8 April 2013 22:51, Einde O'Callaghan <eind...@freenet.de> wrote:

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> On 08.04.2013 22:57, Gary MacLennan wrote:
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>> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
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>> I hope Briish comrades on this list do their duty and let us know what is
>> being said on the ground among the people.  Such is the dominanace of
>> "official truth" in the bourgeois media here in Australia that it is hard
>> to get beyond the "tributes pour in" line. Though stuff is fltering
>> through.  Thus the deputy editor of the Sun did say "nasty things" were
>> being said about Thatcher on Twitter.  My heart leaped with relief.
>> Lou, as is his wont when a hero of the bourgeoisie dies, prefaced his post
>> with "rot in hell".  I second that heartily. It is so important that there
>> be a people's carnival over Thatcher's death. Her heirs and wannabes in
>> the
>> Tory and Labour parties need to be "encouraged".
>>  Well, for those who are on Facebook or Twitter there's lots of pictures
> of people out on the streets celebrating and the right-wing press are
> foaming at the mouth about the "disrespect" that the great unwashed are
> showing for their heroine. On Twitter the main tag seems to be #Thatcher.
> You'll get both pro- and anti-Thatcher tweets under that tag
> Ken Livingstone, the former Labour Mayor of London, was thrown off a live
> television broadcast for suggesting that she was to blame for everything
> that was wrong with Britain today. And George Galloway has provoked the
> outrage of the right-wing press for having the gall that workers should
> "stamp the dirt down on her grave." The manager of an off-licence (liquor
> store) in London was suspended for tweeting that in his branch of a large
> chain there would be a £10 reduction on a bottle of champagne for those who
> felt like having a little celebration (without even a mention of what they
> might want to celebrate).
> That's just a fraction of what I've been able to pick up from here in
> Germany.
> Incidentally, earlier this evening if you typed the words "Thatcher death"
> into Google the first suggestions you got for completing the entry were
> "Thatcher death party" and "Thatcher death party kit" and also among the
> top 10 suggestions were: "Thatcher death party packs", "Thatcher death
> pack", "Thatcher death countdown" and "Thatcher death t-shirts".
> Einde O'Callaghan
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