Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

I hope Briish comrades on this list do their duty and let us know what is
being said on the ground among the people.  Such is the dominanace of
"official truth" in the bourgeois media here in Australia that it is hard
to get beyond the "tributes pour in" line. Though stuff is fltering
through.  Thus the deputy editor of the Sun did say "nasty things" were
being said about Thatcher on Twitter.  My heart leaped with relief.

Lou, as is his wont when a hero of the bourgeoisie dies, prefaced his post
with "rot in hell".  I second that heartily. It is so important that there
be a people's carnival over Thatcher's death. Her heirs and wannabes in the
Tory and Labour parties need to be "encouraged".



On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 10:44 PM, Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com> wrote:

> ==============================**==============================**==========
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==============================**==============================**==========
> NY Times April 8, 2013
> Margaret Thatcher Dies; Remade Britain
> LONDON — Margaret Thatcher, a towering, divisive and yet revered figure
> who left an enduring impact on British politics, died on Monday of a
> stroke, her family said.
> “It is with great sadness that Mark and Carol Thatcher announced that
> their mother Baroness Thatcher died peacefully following a stroke this
> morning,” a statement from her spokesman, Lord Tim Bell, said.
> Lady Thatcher had been in poor health for months. She served as prime
> minister for 11 years, beginning in 1979. She was known variously as the
> ‘Iron Lady,’ a stern Conservative who transformed Britain’s way of thinking
> about its economic and political life, broke union power and opened the way
> to far greater private ownership.
> She was leader of Britain through its 1982 war in the Falklands and
> stamped her skepticism about European integration onto her country’s
> political landscape for decades.
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