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The Anarchist Turn
Edited by: Jacob Blumenfeld, Chiara Bottici, Simon Critchley

PB | 9780745333427 | £17.99 | $27.00
HB | 9780745333434 | £65.00 | $99.00

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The concept of anarchy is often presented as a recipe for pure
disorder. The Anarchist Turn brings together innovative and fresh
perspectives on anarchism to argue that in fact it represents a form
of collective, truly democratic social organisation.

The book shows how in the last decade the negative caricature of
anarchy has begun to crack. Globalisation and the social movements it
spawned have proved what anarchists have long been advocating: an
anarchical order is not just desirable, but also feasible.

The contributors, including leading anarchist and critical theorists,
argue that with the failure of both free markets and state socialism
the time has come for an 'anarchist turn' in political philosophy. In
doing so they relate the anarchist hypothesis to a range of other
disciplines such as politics, anthropology, economics, history and


Jacob Blumenfeld is a researcher in Philosophy at the New School for
Social Research, New York. He has taught at various schools in the
City University of New York.

Chiara Bottici teaches Philosophy at the New School for Social
Research, New York. Her recent publications include A Philosophy of
Political Myth (2010) and Men and States (2009). She is editor of The
Politics of Imagination (2011) and co-author of Imagining Europe:
Myth, Memory, and Identity (2012) and The Myth of the Clash between
Civilizations (2010).

Simon Critchley teaches Philosophy at the New School for Social
Research, New York. He is the author of many books including The Faith
of the Faithless (2012), Impossible Objects (2011), The Book of Dead
Philosophers (2008) and Infinitely Demanding (2007).


Introduction, Simon Critchley


1. Black and Red: The Freedom of Equals, Chiara Bottici

2. The Politics of Commensality, Banu Bargu

3. Friendship as Resistance, Todd May

4. An-archy between Metapolitics and Politics¸ Miguel Abensour


5.      Subverting Patriarchy, Subverting Politics: Anarchism as a Practice
of Caring, by Mitchell Cowen Verter

6.      Of What is Anarcha-feminism the Name?, Cinzia Arruzza

7.      Black, Red, Pink and Green. Breaking Boundaries, Building Bridges,
Laura Corradi


8.      The Anarchist Geography of No-Place, Stephen Duncombe

9.      The Fighting Ground, Alberto Toscano

10.     Reiner Schürmann’s Faultline Topology, Stephanie Wakefield


11.     The Anarchist Moment, Andrej Grubačić

12.     Palestine, State Politics and the Anarchist Impasse, Judith Butler

13.     Spread Anarchy, Live Communism, The Alleged Authors of The Coming

14. Postface on Occupation and Revolution, Jacob Blumenfeld




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