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On 5/14/13 2:54 PM, Lester Schonbrun wrote:
I've learned from these exchanges that some countries (e.g. Cuba, Iran),
and factions close to the action (e.g. Lebanese Hezbollah, Syrian Marxists)
see the events in Syria as US-led destabilization, rather than repression
of a popular revolution.  These countries and factions have had
considerable experience with US-led destabilization efforts, and it's not
clear why they would side with Assad, if the opposition is truly more

Cuba exercises realpolitik, something that is understandable for a small, impoverished, and isolated postcapitalist society. During the student protests in Mexico in 1968, the Cuban press did not issue a single denunciation of the blood-stained PRI government. This was obviously because Mexico stood up for Cuba's sovereignty. While Castro's speech that year supporting the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia was filled with pointed observations about the flaws of Soviet-style socialism, it was not the critique that a Marxist might have made and for obvious reasons. Cuba relied on the USSR for economic survival. Also, not only did Cuba maintain ties with fascist Spain both before and after the overthrow of Batista; its press was careful not to lambaste repression there.

But none of this should be a model for the radical movement that is not under any obligations to supply food, fuel or medicine to millions. Our only obligation is to tell the truth.

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