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Let's see now. ISO people bandy about words like "filth" and "disgusting" and 
"locker room humor" and so forth. No one seems to notice or care that Jeffrey 
St. Clair's own daughter has a rare and debilitating form of cancer. Maybe like 
a woman I taught with said about another colleague, a man, who had two 
daughters with cancer, "Well, he's the father, I doubt he takes care of them," 
they think Jeffrey, as a man, doesn't have feelings. Only the ISO men grasp 
sexism. And those who support CP and don't see anything wrong with Ruth 
Fowler's article are denounced as old white men who are sexist. Without a shred 
of evidence. So, maybe a "fuck the ISO and all the other chowderheads" who have 
made stupid comments is in order.                                           
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