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(The Financial Times sees the decision to supply small arms to favoured 
militias in Syria as a warning to Russia of more to come unless it moves 
quickly towards a previously agreed upon negotiated settlement of the conflict. 
The Wall Street Journal suggests it is more than a diplomatic maneuver and 
could portend a widening of the war. In both scenarios, the US decision to 
intervene more openly has been precipitated by the need to redress the military 
balance following rebel reverses on the battlefield. The US and its allies are 
nervously looking in both directions - at the growing influence of the Islamist 
al-Nusra Front within the opposition, and the increasing role played by 
Hezbollah and Iran in propping up the Assad regime. The Western-backed 
militias, which have been demanding heavier anti-aircraft and anti-tank 
weapons, have responded cooly to the promise of small arms shipments, the 
details of which remain vague. Today's WSJ article is reproduced below, 
following yesterday's FT article.)

Shift in military balance forces Obama to change policy
By Geoff Dyer in Washington
Financial Times
June 14 2013

President Barack Obama will use new evidence of chemical weapon attacks inSyria 
to put pressure on Russian president Vladimir Putin at next week’s G8 summit 
after Washington unveiled plans to begin arming Syrian rebel groups.

After months of debate and fierce internal divisions, the Obama administration 
has decided to intervene more decisively in the Syrian conflict, initially 
sending small arms and ammunition to more moderate elements of the Syrian 
opposition, but so far opting not to send anti-aircraft weapons or to enforce a 
no-fly zone.

The White House said its decision to arm the rebels was based on its new 
assessment that Syrian forces used chemical weapons “multiple times” in recent 
months, causing the deaths of 100-150 people. President Barack Obama has 
repeatedly described the use of chemical weapons as a “red line”.

US officials acknowledge that the military balance has begun to shift, perhaps 
decisively, in the Syrian government’s direction in recent months, especially 
after forces from Hizbollah, the Lebanese militant group, helped secure the 
strategically important town of Qusair.

However, the decision also comes just days before the G8 summit when Mr Obama 
and Mr Putin are expected to meet on the sidelines to discuss Syria. The two 
governments agreed in May to organise a peace conference for Syria but the 
initiative has languished in recent days.

Officials and diplomats said one reason the Obama administration has been vague 
about the precise nature of the military support it will give the opposition is 
to give the president time to put more diplomatic pressure on Mr Putin over 
Syria at next week’s summit.

As a senior UK official put it: “What Obama may well be saying to Putin next 
week is: ‘Here’s my direction of travel, here’s what I intend to do in terms of 
arming the opposition. So what will you do now about bringing Assad to the 
negotiating table before the US gets to that stage?’.”

British Prime Minister David Cameron held an hour-long video conference with 
President Obama, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, President François 
Hollande of France and Prime Minister Enrico Letta of Italy on Friday evening 
to discuss the G8 working for a political transition in Syria.

The US decision to begin arming the rebels was sharply criticised by the 
Russian government, which has been providing support to the Assad regime.

“There is little doubt that the decision to ‘pump’ additional weapons to 
illegal armed formations will increase the level of violent confrontation and 
violence against innocent civilians” said Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman 
Alexander Lukashevich at a briefing on Friday.

Yuri Ushakov, foreign policy aide to President Vladimir Putin, said the US had 
shared evidence with Moscow on the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian 
regime, but added: “to put it bluntly, what the Americans showed us was 
unconvincing . . . It would be difficult even to call them facts.”

He recalled Colin Powell’s famous 2003 briefing before the UN Security Council 
in which he defended US intelligence on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, 
which was later found to be deeply flawed, “though I do not want to draw 
parallels” he insisted
Speaking after the American announcement, Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, 
said that the United Nations Security Council needed to “urgently” discuss the 
new disclosures about chemical weapons. “We hope the Security Council will 
achieve a united approach,” she said.

British prime minister David Cameron welcomed the US decision. “If we do not 
engage with elements of the opposition and encourage those who have a positive 
democratic and pluralistic view about the future of Syria, we won’t be able to 
influence the shape of that opposition,” he said.

Mr Cameron also said on Friday that groups affiliated to al-Qaeda have 
attempted to acquire materials for chemical weapons to be used in Syria, the 
first time a Western leader has publicly discussed such efforts by al-Qaeda 

His disclosure underlines the delicate balancing act that the Obama 
administration is trying to implement, strengthening moderate groups in the 
opposition on order to halt recent advances by government forces, but hoping 
not to also help the Jihadi elements within the rebels.

Amid calls from Syrian rebel leaders to provide much more heavy weaponry, 
analysts said the new US intervention would likely do little to change the 

Salman Shaikh of the Doha Brookings Center think tank said the US would need 
both to provide anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons and “a heavyweight effort 
to help the rebels organise themselves.” He added: “If they don’t do that then 
they may have to intervene more readily themselves.”

US officials have indicated that they are considering other military options 
and are examining a proposal to impose a no-fly zone around the area of Jordan 
where Washington and Amman are jointly operating a training camp for rebel 
forces. So far, however, they have ruled out anti-aircraft weapons or a no-fly 
zone in Syria.

Ben Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser, said that a no-fly zone would 
carry “great and open-ended costs” for the US and might not improve the 
situation on the ground.

Anthony Cordesman, a military analyst at the Center for Strategic and 
International Studies in Washington, said that there were risks that any 
surface-to-air missiles given to moderate rebels might fall into the wrong 
hands. However, the US could not change the dynamic of the conflict without 
giving the rebels weapons to use against the regime’s air power, which was 
helping it retake cities.

“Trying to remain half pregnant is not a strategy,” he said.

Additional reporting by James Blitz in London, Abigail Fielding-Smith in Beirut 
and Charles Clover in Moscow

*       *       *

Behind Obama's About-Face on Syria
Jolted by Hezbollah's Entry Into Civil War and Chemical Weapons, Administration 
Chose to Arm Rebels
By Adam Entous
Wall Street Journal
June 15 2013

The Obama administration tied its dramatic shift in favor of arming Syria's 
rebels to findings that chemical weapons had been used in the civil war—but the 
decision, according to people familiar with it, was the product of two months 
of increasingly unsettling assessments about the war that propelled the 
president to do something he had previously argued would be a mistake.

It was more than a week ago, according to American officials, that U.S. 
intelligence agencies reached their conclusion that 100 to 150 Syrians have 
been killed by chemical weapons. Thursday's public about-face in American 
policy toward Syria's two-year civil war was driven other by factors as well, 
according to these officials. These included growing U.S. concerns about 
large-scale battlefield deployment of militants from the Iran-backed Lebanese 
militia Hezbollah—an appearance that alarmed Israel and caught the Americans by 
surprise—and President Bashar al-Assad's more recent battlefield gains.

Syrian rebel leaders remained deeply skeptical that the U.S. decision to arm 
them would tip the balance of the conflict unless the arms included 
anti-aircraft weapons. 

These findings capped a period that current and former American, European and 
Middle Eastern officials describe as a severe test of U.S. policy. It started 
in April and May, when European allies Britain and France presented skeptical 
U.S. officials with evidence that Mr. Assad had used chemical weapons against 
his people. It culminated in an emergency phone call a week ago in which a top 
rebel commander warned the administration that a "menacing" buildup of forces 
around Aleppo threatened to snuff out the rebel cause.

In one sobering moment in late April, Jordan's King Abdullah II presented 
President Barack Obama and aides with a bleak scenario for Syria—showing them a 
map of how the country could split into warring, sectarian fiefdoms, with a 
tract of desert dominated by al Qaeda and its allies, U.S. officials said.

Emerging from these accounts is a portrait of a president seeking to avoid what 
current and former officials call "the slippery slope" of another Middle 
Eastern war, but being pressured to do the opposite by irritated allies and the 
deteriorating situation on the ground. Growing U.S. confidence in the general 
who leads moderate rebel forces made the decision to provide arms possible, 
said White House officials.

The administration came under fire Friday over its decision from camps ranging 
from Syria to Russia to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who cast 
degrees of doubt on the chemical-weapons claims. Rebel fighters, meanwhile, 
suggested that the help was too little, too late.

"It's all talk," said an activist in Deraa province in Syria's southeast, 
adding that the U.S. vow to send arms came after nearly two years of rebel 
requests. "Until we see weapons in our hands here in Syria, they are just words 
floating in the air."

U.S. officials have offered few specifics on the program. President Obama's 
authorization, contained in a classified order, directs the Central 
Intelligence Agency to coordinate the arming of rebels. It wasn't clear if the 
U.S. would provide the arms directly or fund them, which arms would be included 
and precisely when they may arrive.

On Thursday and Friday, rebels in Aleppo, Syria's largest city, said they 
fought some of their heaviest battles in months. A rebel defeat in Aleppo, a 
commercial hub of 3 million, would give the regime a stronghold in the 
country's north. It would also represent a symbolic victory, coming shortly 
after the regime captured the rebel center of Qusayr and made other ground 
gains after Hezbollah entered the battle in force on the regime's side.

Clashes intensified around the Minig military airport, an air base that is seen 
as a key to controlling the region and has been surrounded by rebels for 
months, said a rebel in the countryside to the north of the city. In Aleppo 
itself, fighters clashed in the eastern rebel-held neighborhood of Sakhour, 
said an activist reached Friday evening in the city. Those contacted in Aleppo 
said fronts haven't shifted in the latest fighting.

While U.S. officials acknowledge that Hezbollah and regime forces are closing 
in on Aleppo, they believe there is time to train rebels and improve their 
defenses—with or without a no-fly zone, officials say—underscoring their belief 
the conflict is nowhere near a conclusion.

U.S. officials question whether U.S. and European arms alone will make a 
decisive difference in a country already awash in weapons. Rather, they say, 
the key will be U.S. and European efforts to step up training that would be 
centered in Jordan.

Thursday's moves marked a dramatic shift for Mr. Obama, who last year 
personally rebuffed a proposal to arm the rebels despite appeals from David 
Petraeus, then-director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and Hillary 
Clinton, then-Secretary of State, say current and former officials. The 
administration cited concerns that arms could end up in the hands of Islamists, 
who are playing a decisive role in the fight against Mr. Assad. A CIA analysis 
at the time concluded that arming the rebels would do little to change the 
outcome on the ground, a view that was seen as affirming the approach of aides 
to Mr. Obama who opposed providing arms.

Mr. Obama had sought a new approach to aid the rebels earlier this year, 
according to the White House. But several officials attributed newfound 
attention to the issue to recent personnel changes, particularly on the White 
House National Security Council.

One key change involved Tony Blinken, who was a top aide last year to Vice 
President Joe Biden. During White House Situation Room meetings on Syria, Mr. 
Blinken frequently used the phrase, "Superpowers don't bluff," to underline his 
view that administration rhetoric can't outpace what the U.S. is willing to do.

In late January, Mr. Obama promoted Mr. Blinken to deputy national security 
adviser, a position that gave him day-to-day control over Syria deliberations. 
Mr. Blinken decided to revisit the proposals that were set aside last year, 
including arming the rebels, officials said.

In March, Britain began testing physiological samples from Syria for chemical 
weapons, and then started sharing the results with the U.S. and France. At the 
time, some U.S. officials were dismissive, saying the samples may have been 
tainted by rebels who want to draw the West into the conflict on their side.

In private talks with the Obama administration in the months before evidence of 
chemical-weapons use surfaced, senior British officials pressed the U.S. to do 
more in Syria. As test results came back positive, they seized on chemical 
weapons use as "the lever they were going to use" with Mr. Obama to try to spur 
action, according to current and former U.S. officials.

Some European officials privately complained that the Obama administration was 
slow to acknowledge chemical-weapons use because doing so would increase 
pressure on the U.S. to do more than it wanted. U.S. officials say Mr. Obama 
wanted to be certain about the evidence before responding, citing lessons from 
the Iraq war.

Starting in April, a procession of Arab leaders made their case on Syria 
directly to Mr. Obama and his top advisers. In meetings in Washington, King 
Abdullah said the U.S. should be "captain of the team"—to corral other Arab 
states which have been working at cross purposes by providing arms to different 
rebel groups.

Washington agreed on the importance of creating what officials called a 
"unified supply chain"—that would be used by the U.S., European allies and 
Middle Eastern states—to funnel support directly to Gen. Salim Idris, the top 
Syrian rebel commander backed by the West. The problem, officials said: Getting 
Qatar, a key supplier of arms, to go along with the plan. The Arab leaders were 
concerned that Qatar was bolstering the militant Al-Nusra Front, a claim Qatari 
officials have denied.

To try to make real the dangers for Mr. Obama, King Abdullah showed the White 
House, and later congressional officials, a map of a hypothetical future Syria, 
splintered along ethnic lines: an Alawite coastal strip; a Sunni-dominated area 
that officials said the king called "Sunnistan"; a Druze-controlled area near 
the border with Israel; a Kurdish zone in the northeast corner; and a large 
swath of Syrian desert abutting Anbar province in Iraq dominated by Islamists.

In meetings with officials from the White House and other departments, King 
Abdullah told policy makers that Syria would become similar to the Federally 
Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan, or FATA, where al Qaeda has long been 

"Syria is going to become the new FATA, the breeding ground from where they 
launch attacks," the king said, according to a person in the meetings.

King Abdullah, Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal and Turkey's Prime 
Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan also argued to Mr. Obama that the U.S. was 
allowing three of its chief historic rivals in the Middle East—Iran, Russia and 
the Lebanese militia Hezbollah—to dominate the battlefield in Syria and help 
President Assad push back recent rebel gains. Mr. Assad's survival, they said, 
would tip the regional balance of power in Tehran's favor.

Qatar and Turkey have formed close alliances with Syrian rebel groups that are 
part of the Muslim Brotherhood Islamist movement. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the 
United Arab Emirates, conversely, have sought to build up Syrian rebels that 
are opposed to the Brotherhood's ideology, fearful the movement's gains could 
stir up unrest in their own monarchies.

By early May, U.S. intelligence agencies had observed what officials described 
as the first large-scale Hezbollah movements into Syria. At the time, the U.S. 
had seen units of Hezbollah fighters emerging in different parts of Syria with 
numbers ranging from 2,000 to 2,500. A U.S. official called these Hezbollah 
fighters "trained and battle-hardened," forcing U.S. intelligence agencies to 
increase their estimates on how long Mr. Assad can hold on to power.

Later in May, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee overwhelmingly approved 
legislation that calls for the U.S. to provide arms to moderate rebel fighters, 
adding to pressure on the White House to change course. About the same time, 
the chief of Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite party backing the Syrian regime in 
a battle against rebels vowed to fight in Syria until victory.

After a two-week battle, forces loyal to Mr. Assad retook the strategic town of 
Qusayr, near the border with Lebanon.

Gen. Idris, his forces battered by a string of losses, spoke by phone last 
Saturday with Assistant Secretary of State Beth Jones, to raise alarm about the 
buildup of Hezbollah and regime forces around Aleppo, and about Mr. Assad's 
increased use of air power, U.S. officials said.

As the White House convened high-level meetings this week, Gen. Idris 
circulated to American officials a detailed list of the weapons that he said 
his forces needed for the battle in Aleppo. The list, reviewed by the Journal, 
included 200 Russian-made Konkurs antitank missiles and 100 shoulder-fired 
antiaircraft weapons known as Manpads. He also asked for 300,000 rounds of 
Kalashnikov ammunition, 100,000 rounds of rifle ammunition and 50,000 rounds of 
machine gun ammunition.

Just before the White House decision, Gen. Idris told U.S. officials that he 
was skeptical Mr. Obama would really send arms, and that, at a minimum, 
Washington should at least provide him with high resolution satellite imagery 
that could help rebel forces identify Mr. Assad's positions.

Secretary of State John Kerry was among the most vocal supporters of arming the 
rebels, officials said.

In the run-up to the meetings, Mr. Kerry had voiced concerns to Mr. Obama's 
advisers about the risks of inaction in Syria, including the message that such 
a stance might send to Iran about the administration's seriousness about the 
"red lines" it has set on preventing that regime from building a nuclear bomb.

If the U.S. didn't step up to support the opposition, Mr. Kerry also raised 
concerns that U.S. partners in the region would hedge their bets and withdraw 
their support for the rebels, according to a person familiar with the 
discussions. Mr. Kerry argued that the U.S. needs to do something now.

In the weeks before the White House meetings, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel was 
skeptical of arming the rebels, but officials say Mr. Hagel in the end 
supported that move. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper remained 
more cautious about the proposal, officials said.

"Qusayr and the prospect of Aleppo going down were the accelerators," said an 
adviser to the State Department.

An official close to the process said the White House debate has come full 
circle, except this time Mr. Obama succumbed the "accumulation of pressures."

"They [the White House] were looking for something to do. But the president 
just didn't feel that he had anything he could work with," the official said of 
last year's deliberations over strengthening the opposition militarily without 
getting pulled into the conflict directly. "They wound up, ironically, at where 
they started—with this limited provision of arms through Jordan."

—Julian E. Barnes, Jay Solomon and Rima Abushakra contributed to this article.
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