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father of leading Republican presidential candidate opines on Crimea

Ron Paul: "Crimea votes to secede. So what?"

USA Today OpEd 3/18/14

Residents of Crimea voted over the weekend on whether they would
remain an autonomous region of Ukraine or join the Russian Federation.
In so doing, they joined a number of countries and regions -- including
recently Scotland, Catalonia and Venice -- that are seeking to secede
from what they view as unresponsive or oppressive governments.

These latter three are proceeding without much notice, while the
overwhelming Crimea vote to secede from Ukraine has incensed U.S. and
European Union officials, and has led NATO closer to conflict with
Russia than since the height of the Cold War.

What's the big deal? Opponents of the Crimea vote like to point to the
illegality of the referendum. But self-determination is a centerpiece
of international law. Article I of the United Nations Charter points
out clearly that the purpose of the U.N. is to "develop friendly
relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal
rights and self-determination of peoples."

Why does the U.S. care which flag will be hoisted on a small piece of
land thousands of miles away?

Critics point to the Russian "occupation" of Crimea as evidence that
no fair vote could have taken place. Where were these people when an
election held in an Iraq occupied by U.S. troops was called a "triumph
of democracy"?

Perhaps the U.S. officials who supported the unconstitutional
overthrow of Ukraine's government should refocus their energies on
learning our own Constitution, which does not allow the U.S.
government to overthrow governments overseas or send a billion dollars
to bail out Ukraine and its international creditors.

Though the Obama administration has applied some minimal sanctions on
selected Russian and Crimean individuals, neither the U.S. nor the EU
can afford significant sanctions against Russia. Global trade provides
too much economic benefit to both sides.

Indeed, international markets rallied on news that the sanctions would
be thus far minimal. They understand that trade and economic
engagement are the surest roads to peace and prosperity. Let's hope
governments will follow their lead.

Former representative Ron Paul of Texas is host of the new RonPaulChannel.com.

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