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On 4/26/14 6:36 AM, Joaquín Bustelo wrote:

Let's pirate, not just the M&E collected works, but EVERYTHING under the
imprint of these profiteering scumbags.

There's another reason to hate Lawrence and Wishart, btw. The MIA is a tremendous research tool. I doubt that a week goes by without me accessing it for some article I am working on, most recently doing a search on "Lenin" and "Ukraine". If you put a bunch of Marx and Engels on Pirate's Bay, they can obviously be downloaded but you will then have to figure out how to develop your own search capabilities. I spent many hours proofreading Marx's writings on France for MIA so I am particularly irked. Can you imagine what this means for workers in South Africa who are getting involved with NUMSA's efforts to build a revolutionary party? A miner might be able to afford an internet connection but how is he going to get a hold of "The 18th Brumaire"? There are no bookstores in the boondocks and you can't order it from Amazon.com. This is really an assault on the working class movement.

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