Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

I submit further evidence. I had sent the message below both to HM and to the Weekly Worker, in response to their good review of the conference. I am not a sectarian, afaik. And how many of those $150 Brill books really reappear in Haymarket format? Very few from my view. And why are the papers of the conference so sacrosanct? I can go to David Harvey's website and get gratis downloads of his lectures as soon as they're given. Same with countless others.

[my rejoinder slightly edited]

Dear Sebastian Budgen,

Thank you for taking the trouble to respond. Before you shut down any opportunity to rejoin, may I add that the examples of organizations (the many OWS movements such as Boston's with volunteer Doug Greene come to mind, or again David Harvey's website or Democracy Now! fagodsake) that tape these events and quite readily find enough dedicated volunteers, without cumbersome bureaucratic red-tape, to have them timely posted online and transcribed, are numerous, organizations that realize that their proceedings are sufficiently valuable to activists everywhere, time's a-wasting, and therefore they are worth getting out there asap. HM has a certain reputation in this regard. I'm not the first or only one to call attention to this. Your intemperate response seems to speak eloquently to your indifference to the fact that this is the middle of January and the event was held in mid-November, and I and others like me still can't read a word or view a glimpse of what took place, nor do you furnish any date by which you expect that we will ("will be gradually put online as we receive them and get the time to do so"). That's kind of sorry. There's no doubt that a lot of thought and energy goes into what you do, that's a credit to you, certainly, but don't assume that you're beyond reproach, or that you're not in many ways an exasperation to many of us, who might take kindly to a little self-acknowledgement and less high-Budgen-dudgeon. You might take this exchange to the board, you certainly have my OK, I'll abide more intemperate remarks, and maybe something positive could come of it.

Ralph Johansen

On 1/16/2012 5:16 AM, Sebastian Budgen wrote:
Dear Ralph Johansen,

no thanks at all for your snotty and arrogant email which you also sent, quite bizarrely, to the /Weekly Worker/. You could have chosen to ask us this question in a comradely manner, but the snarky and snide route obviously suited you better. Perhaps you should consider the possibility that if "the Left is insignificant and in deep trouble", it is at least in part down to the prevalence of anti-social little twits like yourself?

For the record - and not for you, since you are clearly a waste of space - the papers from the conference will be gradually put online as we receive them and get the time to do so, the journal relying entirely on unpaid militant labour with out any secretarial or administrative help. Moreover, the $100 Brill books that you choose to make a dig at all come out also as affordable paperbacks with Haymarket Books in the US - but to know that, one would have to be bothered to find out, a task clearly beyond someone as lazy and incompetent as yourself.

Don't ever write to us again.

Sebastian Budgen (personal capacity)
Member of the Historical Materialism Editorial Board

On 11 janv. 12, at 19:42, Journal of Historical Materialism wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ralph Johansen <mdriscol...@charter.net <mailto:mdriscol...@charter.net>>
Date: 11 January 2012 04:51
Subject: Proceedings of the Historical Materialism conference in
London in November
To: historicalmaterial...@soas.ac.uk <mailto:historicalmaterial...@soas.ac.uk>

I am curious as to why the proceedings of the conference in London
sponsored by Historical Materialism in November are not being made
available online. Stat. I am not able to find them online when I
google historical materialism conference proceedings or Historical
Materialism. That's not ordinarily an insurmountable task. Look for
example at David Harvey's informative website. Is it because your
proceedings are being collected for another $100 book to be published
by Brill? If what was said there is so significant, why isn't it out
there for comrades all over the place to take notice of, discuss and
even learn from? Is it that this contribution to our urgent socialist
project is on hold until the press runs? Does this in any way
exemplify why the Left is insignificant, and in deep trouble?

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