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Brian Fishman, a fellow at The New America foundation and ISIS analyst who
has been following the group for years, is cautious about @wikibaghdady’s
claims but called the account, “at minimum a keen observer of events in
Syria,” and “a key source of ideas that should be investigated through
other means.” A similar assessment came from Hassan Hassan, an analyst at
the Delma institute in Abu Dhabi and expert on radical groups in the
region. “The account does seem to offer credible insider information about
ISIS,” Hassan said, “but it is not wholly accurate…[and] should be taken
with a pinch of salt.”

Despite the caveats, @wikibaghdady deserves closer examination—especially
at a moment when ISIS’s next moves could lead to a wider conflagration and
more carnage. And some of what @wikbaghdady tweeted months ago has already
been borne out by facts on the ground. The leaker’s revelations about ISIS’s
alliance with Saddam Hussein’s former party, the Baathists
were confirmed by the events of last week, for example. The rapid takeover
of Iraqi cities was not a solo effort; the campaign relied on a cultivated
network of partnerships between Sunni groups including, critically, ISIS’s
pact with their ideological enemies, the Baathists—a repeated theme in
@wikibaghdady’s tweets.
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