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This showed up on my blog this morning:

The left in western countries is subdivided into two main groups, when it comes to what is going on in Syria and Iraq. The first group listens to the Anti-imperialist rhetoric coming out of Iran/Syria and believes that the governments there are truly anti-imperialist. This group supports these regimes (overlooking their murderous records) based on this rhetoric without looking at what these governments actually are and what they have been doing since taking power, AND considering whoever opposes them as an imperialist stooge. The other group supports the uprising in Syria (but not Iraq) on the ground that it is an anti-dictatorship uprising (thinking that the uprising in Iraq is ISIS controlled). The following are some observations in this regard:

1- Since taking power in Iran in the late seventies, the ruling mullah-controlled theocratic Islamic state has been calling the USA the Great Devil and the USA has been calling Iran a terrorist state. The USA invaded Iraq twice since then (about to do that a third time) and not a single shot was fired by US against Iran during same period. The “Terrorist State” joined hands with the “Great Devil” in its war on both Iraq and Afghanistan (as indicated on several occasions by Khatami, Rafsanjani, and Iran’s UN ambassador).

2- Since taking power in Syria in 1970, the Assad regime provided all kinds of services to the “imperialists” including his interference in Lebanon to wipe out the left-oriented national front, and his support for sectarian militias there; his completion of Israel’s war against Palestinians in refugee camps after the 1982 invasion of Lebanon; his direct involvement, with the imperialists, in the war against Iraq in 1991 and in 2003 (and now); his participation in the so-called war on terror after 9/11 where he provided tremendous intelligence to the “imperialists”; and his participation (together with Iran) in the CIA’s rendition program where he was involved in torturing suspects in his prisons.

What is going on in the Arab Countries now is a counter-revolution (to destroy the Arab Spring and possibly to later subdivide these countries along sectarian/ethnic lines) led by USA and supported by all its allies in the area which include all governments (including Gulf countries, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Israel, etc) AND by Jihadist groups (created by USA and these countries) that are being used as Trojan horses to fight revolutions from within – as happened in Iraq in 2006 with the so-called al Qaida which was responsible for the defeat of the anti-occupation insurgency (with direct cooperation between Iran, USA), and as is happening now in Iraq and Syria with ISIS (with direct cooperation between USA and Iran). The objective is to try to return to the status-quo (prior to Arab spring) where stooge governments run these countries for the benefit of imperialists (Global like USA and regional like Iran). The counter-revolution was successful in Egypt (through the reactionary Muslim Brotherhood first and through the military junta later), and to a lesser extent in Tunisia. This counter-revolution is still going on in both Iraq and Syria, where the USA and its allies had to interfere directly to try to defeat both of these revolutions. Of main interests is Iraq where there are huge American/Iranian interests (mostly oil for USA and empire dreams with associated benefits for Iran). The following are some observations in this regard:

1- The revolution against the government in Syria did not receive any useful support form the USA and its allies (only rhetoric). The support provided was mainly to prop-up extreme Islamist groups (became ISIS later) whose purpose was to destroy the revolution from within. In addition, all Iranian support to the regime in Syria came either through Iraq where the USA could have easily stopped it, being in control of Iraqi airspace, or through Lebanon (where without USA approval it would not have been done).

2- The majority of leaders of ISIS (including al-Baghdadi) were imprisoned in BOCA by Americans in Iraq, where they were brainwashed. They were later transferred to Abu Ghreib Prison after withdrawal of US forces from Iraq (controlled by pro-Iran government). They were released in 2012 form Abu Greib (they called it a breakout) and travelled through Iraqi and Syrian government controlled areas (about 400 km) to get to Syria without a single shot being fired at them by Iraqi (Iranian) or Syrian forces. Other extremist leaders were released from Syrian prisons by the government there.

3- Al-Baghdadi declared the establishment of the IS from a mosque in Mosul. He travelled there from Syria and passed through parts of Iraq using a convoy of American-made 4X4’s (with highly sophisticated jamming equipment) on a desert highway without being seen by Iranian spy drones (in Syria) or American Spy drones (in Iraq), keeping in mind that Iraqi airspace remains under American Control as per the American withdrawal agreement signed with the puppet regime in Baghdad (in addition, American spy planes are also all over Syrian airspace).
4-      The media story is that 4000 member of ISIS, in 1 week,

supposedly took over lands whose area is about 50% of the area of Iraq (area of Iraq is about 440, 000 km2) defeating Iraqi security forces numbering around 170,000. What is not talked about is the role played by the anti-occupation (American occupation followed by Iranian) forces in Iraq (most are ex-Iraqi army people and tribal fighters. Some are Islamists but not ISIS affiliated and some are secular) who were (and still are) the main anti-government/occupation fighting force.

5- ISIS is an extremist takfiri organization supposedly bent on killing all non-followers of its ideology AND is against the governments in Syria and Iraq. The absolute majority of ISIS-murdered people in Syria were government opposition fighters (over 5000 of them). In Iraq, their main role of ISIS (or IS or ISIL) was to sully the reputation of the anti-government revolution by committing ethnic cleansing (also staged beheadings always reported firstly by the intelligence-backed website, SITE), and by starting fights with the Kurds.
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