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Admittedly I've only skimmed all the replies in this thread, but from what
I  saw the entire discussion has revolved around military moves by
Hezbollah and Israel.
I definitely side with Michael K. and those critical of Hezbollah's bluster
in that sphere.
But now it's time to turn to a class analysis of the "Resistance."
On that the late Bassem Chit's piece is essential (search for "hizb" not

On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 6:15 AM, Michael Karadjis via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> From: Joseph Catron
> Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 3:50 PM
> “Except, of course, when it hasn't been:
> http://english.al-akhbar.com/node/23433”
> That linked article refers to the recent bout of shadow-boxing. So I was
> talking about the 9 years between 2006 and 2015, so my point still stands.
> Perhaps this latest round may herald things to come, changing realities,
> perhaps not. We’ll see. But I think it deserves its own analysis and
> doesn’t alter the fact that the border has been quite since 2006.
> “But that's not the silliest error here. Are you unaware that Hamas also
> maintains and enforces ceasefires with Israel? And this involves not only
> the al-Qassam Brigades standing down, similar to Hezbollah, but also
> suppressing retaliatory fire from other resistance groups. None of this is
> a secret.”
> Yes, well aware. But you see I am not writing on a computer far far away
> condemning Hezbollah (or of course Hamas) for NOT sending rockets into
> Israel. I am not demanding people on the other side of the world carry out
> military actions to get themselves and hundreds of civilians slaughtered by
> the entity in order to prove their revolutionary purism.
> Rather, the question is, just what does “steadfast” mean? What does
> “resistance” mean? I maintain that for Hezbollah, the Lebanese government,
> Jordan and Egypt it means zero (and for Syria with the Golan it means less
> than zero, while for Iran the loudness of the rhetoric is in proportion to
> how far away it is from Zionist borders). The fact that none of these four
> actors which border Israel, nor even Hamas for much of the time, carry out
> attacks across the Zionist border does not make them collaborators, does
> not prove they are not “steadfast,” but also does not prove that they are.
> But so what does prove that they are, or are not? What does it even mean?
> The reason I say the only “resistance” organisation in the Middle East is
> Hamas is because Palestine is still under occupation and Hamas resists it.
> It is not about how many rockets Hamas fires or doesn’t fire or that it
> enforces ceasefires or doesn’t. So when you say “The biggest difference
> between Hamas and Hezbollah in terms of their military (not political)
> characteristics is that Hezbollah has actually liberated land and defended
> it, rather than shifting it from one form of occupation to another,” well,
> yes, but that is the point: before 2000, when Lebanon was under Zionist
> occupation, it was correct to call Hezbollah a resistance organisation,
> just like Hamas now; but since the liberation of south Lebanon was
> complete, the meaning of the term is obscure.
> Perhaps that wouldn’t matter so much and maybe it is fine to rest your
> “resistance” credentials on past glories IF something on a much grander
> scale were not occurring right now, especially since Hezbollah and its
> apologists cravenly use these ‘resistance” credentials of previous decades
> to justify its counterrevolutionary action now.
> “And as for this all "moral support" business, I can do no better than to
> quote Sartre's preface to Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth, which I've
> inexcusably waited this long to read: "Sometimes the Left scolds them ...
> 'you're going too far; we won't support you any more.' The natives don't
> give a damn about their support; for all the good it does them they might
> as well stuff it up their backsides." In the absence of some concrete
> mechanism for leftists in the West to turn their moral support into actual
> material support, their online ruminations will count for still less than
> that.”
> Fine. No, I don’t think Hezbollah cares that someone wrote an email
> thousands of miles away offering them some degree of moral support and
> someone else replied that they have become a Shiite sectarian death squad.
> Of course not. Just like Syrian rebels with their backs up against the
> wall, under barrel bombs, ballistic missiles, sarin, starvation sieges etc
> etc don’t care much that comfortable western lefties thousands of miles
> away scratch every surface to try to find some evidence of them appealing
> for western intervention or some evidence of a few western supplies of
> ready-meals, tents, radios or half-supportive speeches in order to “expose”
> them. No, they don’t care about such crap either.
> We’re analysts, that’s all. Neither Hezbollah nor Syrian rebels give a fig
> about our analysis, just as I likewise don’t give a fig when someone writes
> on an email, 1000s of miles from me, that my carefully argued views will
> “amuse those of us with some grounding in reality.” Sorry – it only
> encourages me ;-]
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