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Elsässer began publishing books and articles arguing for the constitution of a “Berlin-Paris-Moscow axis” in opposition to Washington. After a series of explicitly nationalist interventions got him booted, successively, from pretty much every major left-wing publication of note, Elsässer started Compact, thus creating a coherent ideological center for a new type of far-right politics: resolutely German nationalist, explicitly adopting traditional far-right tropes against “finance capital,” positing the formation of a “Eurasian” power axis as a counterpole to the United States, and resolutely anti-immigrant in terms of domestic policy while supporting “anti-imperialist” countries such as Iran or Syria abroad.

This unique mixture has found an enthusiastic audience in the new far right, and elements of the ideology are deeply rooted in the middle of German society itself, to which the prominent displays of Compact in train station newspaper shops are testament.

full: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2015/02/germany-far-right-pegida/
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