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One by Horace Campbell and one a review of his book. Links below.

I could have missed it but as far as I can tell neither has an unkind word
to say about Qaddafi -- or Assad -- the clear implication being that they
are solely victims of US and Gulf imperialism, and that their sorry records
have no explanatory power vis-a-vis the political vacuum being filled by
reactionary Islamists.

Ironically the last part of Campbell's article expresses concern for the
workers of Egypt, and how Sisi's new claim to be the premier anti-Daesh
force is a cover for domestic repression.

All of which is true - but doesn't Campbell see how backing (or being
silent about) Qaddafi, Assad et al. has reactionary regional implications,
how the Western intervention he so correctly deplores is enabled by
pseudo-Left support for such butchers and the failure to help construct a
genuinely anti-imperialist political pole?


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