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On 2/27/15 2:53 PM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:
All of which is true - but doesn't Campbell see how backing (or being
silent about) Qaddafi, Assad et al. has reactionary regional implications,
how the Western intervention he so correctly deplores is enabled by
pseudo-Left support for such butchers and the failure to help construct a
genuinely anti-imperialist political pole?

Campbell actually wrote some blistering attacks on Qaddafi in the past, like this one that was written in 2010 before the uprising began: http://www.thinkafricapress.com/libya/gadaffi-was-obstacle-african-unity

But like just everybody else, the focus would shift to denouncing imperialist intervention. From what I can tell, his book is not the typical how great things were under Qaddafi but how the intervention failed to advance American ambitions. He actually might have a point.
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