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by Tony Greenstein

At a time when virtually all bourgeois pundits and their echo chambers were
cheering for an expected Israeli Labour Party (Zionist Union) victory, I
wrote: “The Israeli Labour Party, running with Tsipi Livni’s Hatnuah, has
high hopes of forming the next government. It is likely to be disappointed.”
1 <http://weeklyworker.co.uk/worker/1051/why-the-right-won/#1>

I do not possess a crystal ball, but I do have an analysis of Zionism and
settler-colonialism which tells me what political direction Israel is
travelling today. Settler-colonial states do not reform themselves of their
own accord. The only thing that makes them change their behaviour is
massive pressure on the settlers – external and internal. So far Israel has
not experienced anything more than the mildest of social disapproval.

Furthermore, settler-colonial states develop their own momentum and
dynamic, which, unless they come up against determined opposition or
natural barriers, such as the sea, are likely to result in the expulsion or
extermination of the indigenous population. In South Africa’s case it was a
combination of military defeat in Angola, the struggle of the black working
class and a growing sanctions and divestment movement abroad which led to
the apartheid system being dismantled.

In Israel the original victims of Zionist colonisation, the Palestinians,
have not been. . .

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