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another busy week at the blog.

While John Key returns from hobnobbing with the brutal Saudi dictatorship,
Palestinian writer Khaled Barakat calls for solidarity with the people of
Yemen, suffering bombing and invasion by Washington's Saudi proxies:

Yassamine Mather looks at the change to the Saudi absolute monarchy's
succession line might be linked to an intensification of their war in

Closer to home, Tim Bowron looks at the role of New Zealand and Australian
imperialism in East Timor:

Philip Ferguson looks at the issue of whether NZ is a neo-colony itself or
a junior imperialist player:

Daphna Whitmore reports on the public meeting in Auckland for Amira Hass,
the dissident Israeli writer:

Don Franks looks at how the anti-working class character of the Labour
Party is revealed (yet again); this time as their general-secretary wants
to have the state take benefit and subsidies money away from people who
don't register to vote:

>From the excellent Australian Red Flag site, Cathy Lewis looks at the
dispossession of Australian Aboriginals and over 200 years of resistance:

Philip Ferguson continues his series on the disgraceful 'White New Zealand'
policies of the late 1800s and early 1900s.  Part five examines the
parliamentary debates of the early 1890s, as the system of discrimination
was being institutionalised:

Tim Bowron addresses workers' need for open borders:

Lastly, from his excellent thenextrecession blog, we have a string of
economic pieces by Michael Roberts:
Business cycles, unit roots and animal spirits:
Austerity: has it really worked for the capitalists:
IMF discovers low investment is cause of low growth - what a shocker!:

Whew!  It has been a very busy week.

All the best,
Philip Ferguson
for the Redline blog collective
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