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The Verso blog is led at the moment by a brief article by Stathis
Kouvelakis "France 1984, Greece 2015 – parallel lives?" where SK
worries that "a poisoned atmosphere is starting to emerge" within
Syriza <http://www.versobooks.com/blogs> :
. . .
Why am I telling these tired old yarns now? Because I am now involved
in a party that is not only part of the government, but its mainstay –
in Greece, of course. And I am no less struck by the fact that some of
those who could not accept my criticisms of the “line” a few months
ago, when I said (together with all the other Left Platform comrades)
that it was totally illusory to think that the Europeans would kindly
agree to renegotiate the debt and allow us to implement our programme
within the framework of the euro, now say “stop complaining, we can’t
do anything else, the balance of forces is against us, ‘people’ agree
with what we’re doing, etc.” And of course they think that they were
right all along.

For certain, Syriza is not in any sense the PCF of the Marchais era:
you can say what you think, and there are internal tendencies and an
internal discussion which also transpires in the public sphere. But my
fear is that a poisoned atmosphere is starting to emerge. And seeing
the remarkable invariance of bureaucratic rationality and its autistic
character is also a bitter experience. Left to itself, as it was in
the case of the French party, it can only lead to self-destruction and
an immense waste of forces and hopes.

At the verso blog now, the second article is an ironic paean to The
Telegraph's reporting:

"The Telegraph on the 'Leftist mutiny' within Syriza -
In an unwitting accolade to Verso authors Stathis Kouvelakis and
Costas Lapavitsas, the Telegraph covers the imminent "insurrection” by
Syriza's "domestic rebels", the "extremist" Left Platform. The
original article is here
and the Left Platform's statement, which sought a return to Syriza's
election pledges, here
Costas Lapavitsas' and Heiner Flassbeck's Against the Troika is the
first book to propose a strategic left-wing plan for how peripheral
countries could exit the euro."

Having followed English-language reporting on Syriza/Greece since the
Jan. 25 election, it has been interesting to see the conservative
newspaper The Telegraph demonstrating that it had good sources in
Syriza's Left Platform.  It was clear to me that Telegraph reporter
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard was especially close to Left Platform leader
Panagiotis Lafazanis.  Right after Lafazanis returned to Athens from a
trip to Russia in mid-April a report by Evans-Pritchard was the basis
for a flurry of media stories on how Russia was going to bail out
Greece starting with 5B euros for the "Turkish Stream" natural gas

I don't see Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's byline on Syriza/Greece
reporting lately.  He seems to have been replaced by Mehreen Khan.

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