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Hi Thomas,

Sorry about the mistake I made. I did not mean to hurt your feelings.


- Amith

On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 9:03 PM, Thomas Campbell via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> Back in the heady days of my adolescence, Ronald Reagan said the problem
> with the Russians was that they had no word for "freedom" in their
> language. I forget now which of his top-flight national security advisers
> or CIA/NSA whiz kids had advised him on this score, or whether the Gipper
> had just thought it sounded "right" for the occasion, but there is a word
> for "freedom" or "liberty" in Russian, and that word is "svoboda." It's the
> same word in Ukrainian.
> Hence, the word, since it existed in fact, was adopted, probably wrongly
> and maliciously, by the Russian-language station of the US-funded media
> outlet RE/RFL, Radio Svoboda.
> I found the interview with Vlad Kolesnikov, who I really do think should be
> an example to anti-war resisters everywhere, on the website of Radio
> Svoboda.
> http://www.svoboda.org/content/article/27064318.html
> Kolesnikov gave the interview to Dmitry Volchek, who far from being a
> Ukrainian fascist of any sort, is a long-time publisher of underground and
> marginal literature in Russian and Russian translation, including LGBT
> literature, through his literary almanac Mitin Zhurnal (which started out
> as a samizdat publication in Soviet times) and the affiliated Kolonna
> Publications imprint:
> http://kolonna.mitin.com/
> http://rbth.co.uk/literature/2013/07/25/lgbt_literature_under_new_fire_survives_in_russia_28341.html
> I won't go into greater length about Mitya Volchek's great services to
> Russian literature and journalism, but if this were a slightly more just
> country (and not the fascist cesspool it's quickly becoming, with Marxmail
> subscribers like Amith and Roger Annis cheering it on from the sidelines),
> then Mitya would be awarded a knighthood or Medal of Freedom or whatever
> it's called here in Russia.
> Then I took the interview and translated it from Russian, a language I
> speak, read, and write fluently, into English.
> But then I made the big mistake of sharing my translation with this list,
> which has far too many self-made "experts" on Russian and Ukrainian affairs
> for its own good, including Amith and Roger.
> Where, Amith, was there any indication that either the interview itself,
> the brave anti-Putinist TEENAGER Vlad Kolesnikov (who has been speaking
> truth to power in the world's biggest country, which has so many nasty
> secret and other police that they're stumbling over each other looking for
> "dissidents" and "extremists" to crack down on) or the Petersburg-born
> Russian Jewish publisher and journalist Dmitry Volchek (
> http://www.jewishgen.org/belarus/rje_v.htm) had anything to do with the
> fascist Ukrainian political party Svoboda?
> Just because you're apparently totally ignorant of all things Russian (and
> Ukrainian) doesn't mean you get to insult me and my work, and wonderful
> people like Vlad Kolesnikov and Mitya Volchek.
> For the record, in 2012, I published a report, on the blog I used to edit,
> on an attack by Ukrainian neo-Nazis on a presentation of the leftist
> journal Spilne ("Commons") in the city of Ternopil. At the time, it was
> alleged that the attack had been coordinated by a member of Svoboda.
> https://chtodelat.wordpress.com/2012/12/02/ukrainian-neo-nazis-attack-commons-ternopil/
> Interestingly enough, Marxmail subscriber Sergii Kutnii reported on this
> same attack to the list at almost the same time:
> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.politics.marxism.marxmail/164387
> I don't remember if I shared my own translation of Spilne's report with the
> list as well, and I don't recall that Sergii's dispatch generated any
> discussion among list members at all, although as he knows better than me,
> Svoboda, their affiliates, and other Ukrainian far-righters and neo-Nazis
> were already causing a lot of trouble for Ukrainian leftists and others
> already "way" back then. It was just that back then this mattered to almost
> no one outside Ukraine, including, I suspect, Roger and Amith.
> But now everyone and their grandmother is an expert on "Ukrainian
> fascists," and Amith, a fluent Russian and Ukrainian speaker, just figured
> out that I have been aiding and abetting the Svoboda party of Ukraine, the
> cause of all evil in the known universe since February 2014.
> I want a full apology from Amith for this digusting insult to my
> reputation, competence, and leftist, anti-fascist political convictions.
> Failing that, I want Amith kicked off this list.
> If the moderators are unwilling to do that for any reason, then I'll kick
> myself off, because if this is what "Marxism" has come to in the 21st
> century, I don't want to have anything to do with it.
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