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I think comrades have to get used to the idea that the Syriza leadership simply reflects the indecision of the masses. This business put forward by some on the left that the workers defied Tsipras by voting no is ludicrous. Syriza vacillated because it is dealing with tremendous challenges that defy facile solutions of the sort from tiny groups that festoon their websites with hammers and sickles. The ordinary Greek probably wanted nothing more than to stay in the eurozone but without the punitive demands of the German capitalist class. Syriza was pushed to the wall and instead of capitulating, it stood up and fought. Our miniature golf Bolsheviks have all the answers, of course. Nationalize the banks, build workers councils, defend the revolution with armed self-defense, etc., in other words all of the policy measures that Eurocommunists would never dream of adopting. We are living in a period when politics is beginning to shift to the left in a number of European nations but the tempo is not fast enough for our ultralefts. They sit in their easy chair and demand that history move much faster. What a joke.

On 7/8/15 1:47 PM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:
And if Tsipras is still using the results only as a bargaining chip, that's
to be expected.
But once again he may surprise us and pull the plug in favor of Grexit.
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