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on Samstag, 29. August 2015 at 08:38, Clay Claiborne via Marxism wrote:

>       Are 71 Syrian refugees found dead in Austria part of Assad's
> holocaust?

 They are rather 71 of thousands of victims of the border regime of Fortress 
Europe, just like the deaths at the wall which the USA had built on its border 
to Mexico (or rather what is left of Mexico after having conquered at least 
half of Mexico'*s territory). 

 They are the victims of imperialist war against and interventions in the 
countries of the Third World to bring them back under governments which are 
subservient to imperialism. 

  But why did they not bomb Syria "back into the stone age", as your masters 
wanted to do with Vietnam, or at least as much as they bombed Libya, Mali, 
Afghanistan and Iraq? Ms. Clinton explained while she was the US foreign 
minister: for one, Syria under the Baath regime had not, as Libya under 
Ghaddafi, handed their air defense to the imperialist aggressor, secondly 
because the Russians have a military base in Syria, and because Syria is so 
central to the Mashraq (the Arab East) and especially the Fertile Crescent, 
that an armed intervention risks to blow up the whole colonial balkanization of 
Arabia. But they fueled the civil war destroying Syria by giving hope to the 
various contenders for power over Syria to be legitimized and recognized by 
"the international community" (led by the USA) as the new ruler of the country. 
But this civil war also brought the "Islamic State" to power, whose power comes 
from the US war which is felt as a war against Islam. And the IS wiping out the 
border between the Eastern and Western branch of the Fertile Crescent, imposed 
by the European victors of WW1. 

 Yes, all Corporate News Networks and Faux News outlets will clap you on the 
shoulder for your valient action ot deflect criticism away  from the real 
culprits and onto the countries of the Third World themselves. Go on, and 
you'll get the order of services to the empire. 

 And coming back to your baiting, you are of course in full agreement with the 
imperialist rulers of Europe and the rest of the world, that the governments of 
the Third World countries are to blame for each and every wrong on this planet 
(and, of course, the Russians, always the Russians), that's why they make war 
> <http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/2015/08/are-71-syrian-refugees-found-dead-in.html>

>> We now know that the 71 dead bodies found in the back of a truck on a 
>> road in Austria were refugees from Syria. They left Syria, not for 

 Caution, man, with your usual haste to proclaim what you believe to know! 

 The Austrian police is just /assuming/ that those dead bodies were a group of 
Syrian refugees, because they found a Syrian travel document on one of the 

Lüko Willms
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